Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Social!

Ah, how I'd planned to do an Easter Recap --- but came home and literally did nothing! It was a great, super lazy Easter with the family. Even after a nap - I'm ready for bed and it's not even 10:00!

A little Sunday Social...

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite type of workout to do? 
Walking or Jogging!

2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure, candy, or sweet?
Coke. Seriously, it's like all I drank for the longest time and I finally stopped and cut back from like 10 a day to 1 small 7 oz a day so I wasn't having ridiculous amounts of sugar....but when I have that one coke, it's heaaaaaven hahaha. 

3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do? 

Bring anything to work with me - I fly out the door in the morning and realize "Hey, I left my water bottle.....I left my snack..." or the worst... 'I forgot my laptop', which means I HAVE to turn around and go get it.

4. Do you prefer post-its or phone reminders? Why? 

At work I use post-its. Outside of work -- it's phone all the way.

5. What is your favorite picture currently on your phone that always makes you smile?
This one. We were on the way to Florida, and stopped for breakfast after driving overnight, I was so grumpy from no sleep, and I turn to this cute face. He's so adorable I cannot stand it.

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