Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Social Time

What a weekend! I've spent the entire weekend working on a presentation and addressing graduation announcement envelopes. 

This looks like an incredibly exciting Friday night, doesn't it? 

But my sweet friends stepped in for Saturday! Wine, Pinterest Recipes, Junk Food & Army Wives DVDs consumed our Saturday day & night. Try not to be jealous of our really exciting lives here, but our girls weekend was focused on an attempt to watch all six seasons of Army Wives before the new one comes on tonight....(you know, since we threw those hissy fits last week about this season sucking and our fave being killed off?)  And we won't really get through all 6 (but thats okay because Season 6 wasn't that good!), but we're sure getting a TON watched - we may or may not have stayed up all night to finish the season we're currently on. Plus, wine? Isn't anything awesome if wine is involved? At some point, it's french toast and mimosas today....gotta love girl weekends! 

best wine in the world, seriously. Run, don't walk, to the Georgia Winery, and buy a case of this. You'll thank me later. 

So, now for a little Sunday social...

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Sleep!!! Sleep!!!  Seriously, I loathe storms, but man do I sleep fabulous when it's raining!

2. What is your favorite thing to do on a summer weekend?
A gorgeous summer weekend is probably going to find me at my sisters! Whether it's for swimming, playing volleyball in the pool, or just hanging out on the back deck gossipping, usually my summers are at my sisters house by the pool! 

3. What is your favorite spring activity?
Does wearing my open toed shoes and capris count?

4. What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?
Inside. Probably with a Starbucks. I haaaate winter. And if it's snowing, I'm not even attempting to leave the house, I'm such a chicken shit about driving in the snow. 

5. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer! Hot weather!  Plus, the kids are out of school, and my bestie is a school teacher, which means we do way more road trips in the summer! 

6. What is the best birthday you ever had?
My 21st....I was not the normal "go out and get drunk" 21 year old... We went to see PL for my 21st birthday, where she made me get up & made everyone in the audience sing to me, and gave me this sweet card backstage, etc. It was wonderful, and I still have that card...loved that group dearly! (I did have a drink at lunch....and I was so pissed the guy didn't even card me!) 

Check out my ridiculous hair color....I am so glad I stopped coloring my hair blonde. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, stopping by from Sunday Social!

    I think wearing open-toed shoes and capris TOTALLY counts as a spring activity! Although in Chicago we have to wait until July to enjoy such things.. :-(
