Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Sissy!

I woke up this morning to tornado warnings - Nashville is welcoming spring apparently. (Except what's with a couple cold days this week? I'm wearing capris and open toed shoes regardless, damn it.)

This week we are celebrating my sissy's birthday! She turns 37 this we went to lunch (a treat, since I don't always get to see my sister during the work day!) and this weekend we will be doing the usual celebration - heading to Kentucky for a visit to Dolphie's! So ready for another karaoke weekend with my girls!

Samantha is seven years older than me & was my little mother hen when I was born, helping take care of me, etc. But don't get me wrong, she TOTALLY played the "I'm the big sister, that's why!" card with me all the time.  We used to love playing "school" at Granny's house - Granny had the coolest old time looking school desk, and would buy us supplies like crazy. It was there that I constantly begged to be the teacher instead of the student and always got the, "No! I'm the older sister, I get to be the teacher!"

But as I got older, I picked up on the advantages of having an older sister. Especially one as bad ass as mine - if anyone ever bothered me, I played the "I'm going to get my sister"....and that was that. And when I had a bad dream, it was always my sisters room that I went -- where we'd crawl in her bed & watch Golden Girls together.

I've been very fortunate to be very, very close to my sister, who has been the one constant in my life, and never left my side. I don't think there's been much we've done without each other. I was in the delivery room holding her hand when my nephew was born, and even when I moved for  a few short months, when I had car trouble, it was my sister who drove 3 hours to come get me.

I think I'd be lost without her....Happy Birthday to my big sissy!

Please notice that my Grandmother put me in a bikini with CAT HEADS on the boobs, while my sister got a cute little one piece.

Our mom really really really liked poofy hair back in the day...sigh. She wasn't very good at it either. Which is why as I got older, I had my sister do my hair. 

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