Saturday, March 9, 2013


How is it already Sunday?? The weekend has flown by already! :( Well, we DID lose an hour... I am sure glad it won't get dark so early, but man that one hour is going to throw me off all day today. Thank goodness for naps, right?!

Saturday night Mom & I went to see Randy Travis at Schermerhorn. We're so fortunate to have such a gorgeous symphony center -- I was excited to have such a great show there.

And of course, it's just as gorgeous inside as it is outside! Cameras are super restricted....they freak out if you even get your phone out to take a pic, so as soon as the usher went away, I obviously started taking pictures. It's so gorgeous inside, with the most amazing lighting and architecture. 


With Mom before the show! 

The sound was amaaaazing too - and Randy put on a great show. I'd definitely list him in my top 5 fave acts, there's really not a song of his I don't love. He was one of my first concerts when I was little, and I still remember everything. He was one of my mom's absolute faves, so we saw him frequently before I was old enough to pronounce his name properly. (My mom still picks on me for calling him 'Randy Tabliss') We haven't seen his show in like 15 years, so it was great to see him again, especially here. It would have been so wonderful if my Granny had been here to enjoy it with us, although I'm sure she was certainly "there" with us. 

The Nashville Symphony did their own set beforehand, and I thought I'd be bored -- but surprisingly -- I really enjoyed it! 

And now, how about a little Sunday Social!
Sunday Social
1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I love scary movies -- but everything I hear about this one makes me terrified to watch it!

2. What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven't yet?
I don't think there is any. Nothing has really caught my eye. Thank goodness, because I have too much on the DVR as it is!

3. What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
Daring? Hmm...I can't think of any :( I'm not a daredevil

4. Would you ever travel alone?
Hell yeah. Did it all the time after I got my license and was ready to  hit the road for PL concerts. I didn't care how far it was, I was headed out. I loved the independence -- but don't get me wrong, there's NOTHING more fun than road trips with my bestie!

5. What activities do you like to do alone?
Is everything an option? LOL. I like to do a lot of stuff alone sometimes -- depends on my mood :) Sometimes I love clothes shopping alone, but then I realize I talk myself out of buying everything I try on. I do love listening to music alone at night sometimes -- as I learn to play my Grandfathers banjo, it's distracting to mess around with when other people around. 

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  1. That is a gorgeous building and I love the way that it's set up! And your mom is adorable!

  2. I can't do scary movies AT ALL. I have nothing all that daring on my bucket list either.

  3. I love that concert hall! So beautiful!

  4. Randy Travis in concert would be awesome! I hope to one day get to Nashville and see all this that I'm missing :)

    Stopping by from the social and a new follower!

  5. I am not daring either! I had no idea what to put as my answer. And my DVR is way too full too.
