Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Ramblings...

It's a blah, rainy Monday, which started off with my slipping and falling in the mud, and then ripping my contact while driving & getting part of it stuck in my eye. Fun, right? Thank goodness, I'm back home, and I think staying in the rest of this dreary day is a fabulous idea.

Um, first of all: Did anyone watch Army Wives last night and sob like a baby? What a season opener.  I'm pretty sure I cried almost the entire episode. And this is the last season, sigh. Why do I get so emotionally invested in all these ridiculous shows?

Over the weekend, I did Baby Jacob's 3 month pics. He's on my "Watch Me Grow" program & is to die for cute. Anyway, as I go through pics, I fell in love with this.... He wouldn't smile for anything, and was so tired that he was just over the whole photo shoot - until Mama picked him up and started kissing him. And that's when he looked over and gave me this:

Adorable. I love my job. Playing with everyone else's babies and then being able to give them back is the best :)

So it's way early to be thinking about this, but....the bestie & I have serious plans for our Halloween costumes this year to dress up for our Dolphie's Halloween Party & need to invest a lot of time in them. We're both specific people from the 1960's, 70's, and I sat down this weekend and finally started jotting down some ideas.  And first and foremost, I need a kick ass wig.  In my searching I found this:

Um, I cannot even comprehend how awesome this is. Our Performance Studios shop has some really fabulous wigs, but I don't know if they have something like THIS. I also found this:

But I really like the first one better. I guess I can print these off and take them to the Studio shop & see if they have or can order anything comparable because I have no idea where the heck to look. I think our drag queens go to the Studio Shop to get all their stuff, so that tells me I'm headed in the right direction! Once I get this....I've got to figure out where the heck to go for an old stage dress?! Whew, I'm glad we started this early!

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