Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A little weekend recap...

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend!

Saturday we trekked up to Kentucky to go out for my sisters birthday – where, naturally, a fabulous time was had. But we seriously didn’t get back to the room until around 3:30, so by the time we crawled into bed, it was pushing 4…..and for some reason, I woke up at 8:30- and couldn’t go back to sleep!  I laid in bed with my iPad, watching Netflix – totally jealous that my sister was snoring away. (Although, hooray for Netflix, right? What the hell did I do before I could lay in bed streaming movies or tv shows? Netflix ruins my social life, because I’m pretty sure I could sit and stream all 6 seasons of Army Wives without even moving.)

Also, speaking of ruining my social life: TVLand is now airing The Golden Girls. Do I own every single season on DVD? Yes, yes I do. And yet I STILL have to watch every time they’re on tv. Three hours a night during the week – totally ruining my social life.

Anyway –   I literally slept all day Sunday. Up long enough to eat dinner & catch a couple shows, and was back in bed. And yet, even after all that – it still was quite the chore to drag myself out of bed Monday! Plus, who actually WANTED to get out of bed Monday? This weather blows. Where is my spring? Thank goodness for toasty toes – because my toes were totally in SNOW today as I walked to the car. I guess that’s what I get for being hell-bent on open-toeing it as early as possible!

I’m sad the weekend is over, though….I swear, I’m so glad my best friend only lives 2 hours from me, because I’d be ridiculously lost if she lived any further!  We really had the thinking we’d be at Dolphie’s once to twice a month, but we missed last month – woops! I still have yet to figure out how we’re going to fit it in with our road trip & concert schedule this summer, but….clearly, the karaoke bar has to be a priority, right?


They made sure to put Sam's name on the board! 

With the bestie  - love this girl! 

So the birthday card Rita got Samantha was an Adult Madlibs card - which we waited to fill out until we'd all had some drinks. We came up with some pretty entertaining phrases & the result was hysterical!

With my sis! The staches are back....

And not only back, but in various colors! We hooked up Metcalf with one that matched his hair a little bit better than the last one :) 

This cracks me up!

with the bestie again - love this pic! 

We handed Metcalf the camera to take a group pic of the girls, and Scotty decided to photobomb us!
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