Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekend Recap

Monday rolls around waaaay too quick. Especially after a great weekend, it seems!

First and foremost, the weekend kicked off by some of the cards I received. I am such a sucker for greeting cards - hence why I have a drawer full of the cards people have given me. My Uncle Scott & Aunt Faye sent me the sweetest graduation card, and then my twin cousin Emily sent me one too ---

If your card doesn't quote the band Chicago, then it's not as cool as mine. Love my family! 

So, for Easter this year, I decided not to make the kids baskets. I bought them Easter cards - and then I bought the supplies to make those scratch off lottery tickets. These were so super easy to make, seriously. The downfall was: I waited too late to do them, so I had to slap together the quickest design ever -- and I forgot contact paper! So, instead of contact paper, I used packing tape. The packing tape did the job, but it certainly wasn't as pretty. Lesson learned.

I let them have them Saturday -- and they were a huge hit! As soon as Paige read it, she said "You MADE these Aunt Nicole?! How did you do that?!" I gave them two each, and Paige scratched off $10 on each, and Kadin scratched off $5 off each. 

Kadin and I headed to the movies Saturday night to see The Croods in 3D. I wasn't sure if I'd think it was cute, but as usual, it was adorable, and this sap got teary eyed at the end. Gahh, these kids movies with sweet stories at the end are killing me!

Because I'm a sucker, I let Kadin get popcorn and funnel fries at the theater....and then we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. And do you know what season it still is?

Coca Cola cake season! Just shoot me now. My favorite cake ever.....and I could NOT say no, especially because Kadin has somehow never had it before! (I have failed this child!!!) So I ordered it, and was so excited he tried it. 

Love this sweet boy....I could just eat him up! 

Easter was pretty uneventful -- I woke up Sunday morning to Kadin standing over me, waving his hands in the air, whispering my name. When I opened my eyes, he said "You're up! GUESS WHAT AUNT NICOLE?!!? My wish came true! The Easter Bunny brought me the WWE 2 pack I needed!!", and pulled me out of bed to come in the kitchen and see the toys he got. He talked about these specific figures allllll day Saturday, so he was in seventh heaven that he got them Sunday!

When I say uneventful - I mean it - Mom, Sam, Paige & I curled up and watched movies all morning & afternoon. At noon Mom started some of the food, and came back in for movies. I finally decided to take a shower around 1 - and I threw on yoga pants and a tshirt. That was about as dressed up as I got - and Mom, Sam, and Paige stayed in their PJ's.  Laziest Easter ever, but it was fabulous. We were all together, and that's what counts. Even as I took a shower, I heard the door open and Paige go, "It's just me Aunt Nicole!", and then she sat on the floor and told me about friendship dramas, boys & a concert she just went to.  I wouldn't give up this time with these kids for anything in the world. 

And perhaps the cutest thing about the weekend: Barry left a coin he found on a walk in Kadin's room, and Kadin came out and asked who gave it to him. We told him we didn't know, it must be a magical coin. This week is the anniversary of my Granny's death, so we had been talking about her & making plans for how we wanted to get together Kadin interrupted and said "It MUST have been Great Granny that left it."

A little later, we hear him in the living room -- but no one is in there with him, and he is seriously having some kind of a conversation. When he came in the kitchen he said "Well, I just talked to Great Granny, but I didn't get any kind of clues why she left this here." When I went in the living room a little later, he was standing in front of Granny's urn, talking to it, and said "Just trying to get some clues from her!"....... I freaking love this kid. 
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  1. What a sweet Easter with your family. :) I came so, so close to ordering that Coca Cola cake from Cracker Barrel the other day, myself, but had to back out after the HUGE plate of chicken fried steak I scarfed down. I'll have to try that some other time.

  2. ya know ive never had coca cola cake, either!
