Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday Social!

Ah, how I'd planned to do an Easter Recap --- but came home and literally did nothing! It was a great, super lazy Easter with the family. Even after a nap - I'm ready for bed and it's not even 10:00!

A little Sunday Social...

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite type of workout to do? 
Walking or Jogging!

2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure, candy, or sweet?
Coke. Seriously, it's like all I drank for the longest time and I finally stopped and cut back from like 10 a day to 1 small 7 oz a day so I wasn't having ridiculous amounts of sugar....but when I have that one coke, it's heaaaaaven hahaha. 

3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do? 

Bring anything to work with me - I fly out the door in the morning and realize "Hey, I left my water bottle.....I left my snack..." or the worst... 'I forgot my laptop', which means I HAVE to turn around and go get it.

4. Do you prefer post-its or phone reminders? Why? 

At work I use post-its. Outside of work -- it's phone all the way.

5. What is your favorite picture currently on your phone that always makes you smile?
This one. We were on the way to Florida, and stopped for breakfast after driving overnight, I was so grumpy from no sleep, and I turn to this cute face. He's so adorable I cannot stand it.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A little weekend recap...

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend!

Saturday we trekked up to Kentucky to go out for my sisters birthday – where, naturally, a fabulous time was had. But we seriously didn’t get back to the room until around 3:30, so by the time we crawled into bed, it was pushing 4…..and for some reason, I woke up at 8:30- and couldn’t go back to sleep!  I laid in bed with my iPad, watching Netflix – totally jealous that my sister was snoring away. (Although, hooray for Netflix, right? What the hell did I do before I could lay in bed streaming movies or tv shows? Netflix ruins my social life, because I’m pretty sure I could sit and stream all 6 seasons of Army Wives without even moving.)

Also, speaking of ruining my social life: TVLand is now airing The Golden Girls. Do I own every single season on DVD? Yes, yes I do. And yet I STILL have to watch every time they’re on tv. Three hours a night during the week – totally ruining my social life.

Anyway –   I literally slept all day Sunday. Up long enough to eat dinner & catch a couple shows, and was back in bed. And yet, even after all that – it still was quite the chore to drag myself out of bed Monday! Plus, who actually WANTED to get out of bed Monday? This weather blows. Where is my spring? Thank goodness for toasty toes – because my toes were totally in SNOW today as I walked to the car. I guess that’s what I get for being hell-bent on open-toeing it as early as possible!

I’m sad the weekend is over, though….I swear, I’m so glad my best friend only lives 2 hours from me, because I’d be ridiculously lost if she lived any further!  We really had the thinking we’d be at Dolphie’s once to twice a month, but we missed last month – woops! I still have yet to figure out how we’re going to fit it in with our road trip & concert schedule this summer, but….clearly, the karaoke bar has to be a priority, right?


They made sure to put Sam's name on the board! 

With the bestie  - love this girl! 

So the birthday card Rita got Samantha was an Adult Madlibs card - which we waited to fill out until we'd all had some drinks. We came up with some pretty entertaining phrases & the result was hysterical!

With my sis! The staches are back....

And not only back, but in various colors! We hooked up Metcalf with one that matched his hair a little bit better than the last one :) 

This cracks me up!

with the bestie again - love this pic! 

We handed Metcalf the camera to take a group pic of the girls, and Scotty decided to photobomb us!
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring is HERE!

First day of Spring --- sure doesn't feel like it :( It's chilly this week, and I am not digging it. I have the "guess I'll just suffer" attitude because I am tired of wearing winter clothes on the weekends out!

T-Minus 2 days and we are ready for girls weekend in Kentucky! My texts this week with my bestie have been a mesh of clothes for the weekend, songs to sing, and drinks. I'm off on Friday, which means Friday afternoon will probably consist of me going through every single outfit in my closet, insisting I have absolutely nothing to wear, and then going out and buying something new. One day, I'm going to open my closet and be like, "What?! I love this outfit, I'm going to wear it now."

So, how about a little "What I'm Loving Wednesday"..

First up-

I'm totally loving Dance Moms. Seriously, from the moment I saw the first preview, I knew it looked fabulous and it's never let me down. This week and last the show was 2 hours!!!

Today, Julius Randle picked Kentucky! I am SOOO EXCITED, and  cannot wait for next season. This year wasn't so great for my Cats.but next year, it's on. Love my Cats!

This week I'm loosely trying to throw together some of our summer plans, we've got some pretty awesome road trips ahead.and as I plan, I fall in love with the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. So ready for this one!

I spotted this on pinterest and love it! I totally want to make sure we throw a fabulous Sweet Sixteen for my niece next year, and being ahead of the game - I'm already starting to plan. I LOVE this idea.

Just another idea for parties...I love this! Cotton Candy on a GLOW STICK!? Okay, Okay - I actually started out looking for ideas for my brother in laws surprise birthday party this year - he turns the big 40!! We want to throw something huge, so thank goodness for pinterest. But now I keep finding more great ideas for the kids birthdays instead of John!

So I totally keep seeing these great "recreate family pictures" on Pinterest. You know, like this:

And I totally love it - the whole concept is fabulous. Then it dawned on me my sister & I totally did this already!

We used to go to Gatorland all the time as kids -- we LOVED that place! So a few years ago when we took the kids to FL a few years back, we decided to take the kids to Gatorland - and we discovered they still had the ceramic gator our parents posed us on, and we just had to take another. Man, if we had through this through, I totally would have made my sister rock the side ponytail again....

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to my Sissy!

I woke up this morning to tornado warnings - Nashville is welcoming spring apparently. (Except what's with a couple cold days this week? I'm wearing capris and open toed shoes regardless, damn it.)

This week we are celebrating my sissy's birthday! She turns 37 this we went to lunch (a treat, since I don't always get to see my sister during the work day!) and this weekend we will be doing the usual celebration - heading to Kentucky for a visit to Dolphie's! So ready for another karaoke weekend with my girls!

Samantha is seven years older than me & was my little mother hen when I was born, helping take care of me, etc. But don't get me wrong, she TOTALLY played the "I'm the big sister, that's why!" card with me all the time.  We used to love playing "school" at Granny's house - Granny had the coolest old time looking school desk, and would buy us supplies like crazy. It was there that I constantly begged to be the teacher instead of the student and always got the, "No! I'm the older sister, I get to be the teacher!"

But as I got older, I picked up on the advantages of having an older sister. Especially one as bad ass as mine - if anyone ever bothered me, I played the "I'm going to get my sister"....and that was that. And when I had a bad dream, it was always my sisters room that I went -- where we'd crawl in her bed & watch Golden Girls together.

I've been very fortunate to be very, very close to my sister, who has been the one constant in my life, and never left my side. I don't think there's been much we've done without each other. I was in the delivery room holding her hand when my nephew was born, and even when I moved for  a few short months, when I had car trouble, it was my sister who drove 3 hours to come get me.

I think I'd be lost without her....Happy Birthday to my big sissy!

Please notice that my Grandmother put me in a bikini with CAT HEADS on the boobs, while my sister got a cute little one piece.

Our mom really really really liked poofy hair back in the day...sigh. She wasn't very good at it either. Which is why as I got older, I had my sister do my hair. 

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Social Time

What a weekend! I've spent the entire weekend working on a presentation and addressing graduation announcement envelopes. 

This looks like an incredibly exciting Friday night, doesn't it? 

But my sweet friends stepped in for Saturday! Wine, Pinterest Recipes, Junk Food & Army Wives DVDs consumed our Saturday day & night. Try not to be jealous of our really exciting lives here, but our girls weekend was focused on an attempt to watch all six seasons of Army Wives before the new one comes on tonight....(you know, since we threw those hissy fits last week about this season sucking and our fave being killed off?)  And we won't really get through all 6 (but thats okay because Season 6 wasn't that good!), but we're sure getting a TON watched - we may or may not have stayed up all night to finish the season we're currently on. Plus, wine? Isn't anything awesome if wine is involved? At some point, it's french toast and mimosas today....gotta love girl weekends! 

best wine in the world, seriously. Run, don't walk, to the Georgia Winery, and buy a case of this. You'll thank me later. 

So, now for a little Sunday social...

Sunday Social

1. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Sleep!!! Sleep!!!  Seriously, I loathe storms, but man do I sleep fabulous when it's raining!

2. What is your favorite thing to do on a summer weekend?
A gorgeous summer weekend is probably going to find me at my sisters! Whether it's for swimming, playing volleyball in the pool, or just hanging out on the back deck gossipping, usually my summers are at my sisters house by the pool! 

3. What is your favorite spring activity?
Does wearing my open toed shoes and capris count?

4. What is your favorite way to spend a winter day?
Inside. Probably with a Starbucks. I haaaate winter. And if it's snowing, I'm not even attempting to leave the house, I'm such a chicken shit about driving in the snow. 

5. What is your favorite season and why?
Summer! Hot weather!  Plus, the kids are out of school, and my bestie is a school teacher, which means we do way more road trips in the summer! 

6. What is the best birthday you ever had?
My 21st....I was not the normal "go out and get drunk" 21 year old... We went to see PL for my 21st birthday, where she made me get up & made everyone in the audience sing to me, and gave me this sweet card backstage, etc. It was wonderful, and I still have that card...loved that group dearly! (I did have a drink at lunch....and I was so pissed the guy didn't even card me!) 

Check out my ridiculous hair color....I am so glad I stopped coloring my hair blonde. 

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Yay for Wednesdays! A step closer to the weekend being here..although I did wake up and thought it was Thursday. I was horribly disappointed when I realized it wasn't!

And it's time for What I'm Loving Wednesday. But first, let me give a little what I'm NOT loving: Last night, my Comcast decided to go out. When, you ask? Right at the freaking beginning of Dance Moms! Whaaaaat?! While it would be faaaabulous if Comcast would just freaking work like it's supposed to (I'm totally confused: Why is my bill $200 a month when my cable & internet go down at least once a week now?),  apparently this won't ever happen and they need a copy of my television schedule.  Sunday-Wednesday nights are unacceptable time frames for my cable to go out.  Hooray for networks putting shows online now for impatient people like me who can't wait for it to re-air eventually!

Moving on..

This week I'm loving...

Victoria's Secret just put out this new shirt & I am in looooove! I've already ordered it :) 


EVERYTHING else is all repeats tonight --- except the beloved Duck Dynasty -- so, clearly, we know what my priority is tonight! 

I am loving this crackle overcoat -- if you haven't tried it, go buy it! Pair blue & white and boom, got my Kentucky game day nails ready to roll! 

I found this on pinterest and tried it tonight! Apple pie bites, sliced apples with crescent rolls and cinnamon! Such a great idea, and they'll be a hit at the office. And, for the domestically challenged like me: they were ridiculous easy. 

I spotted this on pinterest and fell in love with this quote.  Think this needs to be hanging in the house....

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring has Sprung!

Oh my word! I’m so happy it’s Tuesday, and I have nothing sad to watch today. Seriously, my past couple nights have been all

Army Wives kills off Claudia Joy (W.T.F. We get rid of Kim Delaney and bring on Ashanti? So jacked. And yes, I know it’s rumored Kim has an alcohol problem again and may have needed to be off the show to focus on herself, but I’m still going to throw a hissy fit about how they KILLED HER OFF.) and then Dallas does their beautiful tribute to Larry Hagman and has to kill off JR.  It was so tastefully and nicely done, and I cried the WHOLE FREAKING SHOW.  (I mean for real… JR leaves Sue Ellen a love note? I was in the crying mode the whole episode, and then you know, that came along, and out came the ugly cry.  And it just got uglier at the end when Bobby sat on the edge of the bed and cried for his brother. )  CURSE YOU TELEVISION!  At least the rest of this season of Dallas looks fabulous. I need Army Wives to just stop now, because the previews make it look like we’re moving into a ‘Real Housewives’ kind of show, ugh. 

But tonight all is well, and much more like

Becaaaaaause Dance Moms is on tonight!  

Yes, I need a life & I watch too much TV. Thank you for noticing.

So, it looks like SPRING has arrived! Well kind of. It’s  been BEAUTIFUL out, and then it was rainy yesterday and chilly and only reaching the 50’s today….but when I look at the forecast and see those 60’s and 70’s, I’m a happy camper and can deal with a few days in the 50’s.

The best part about Spring is open toed shoes. When I was a kid in Florida, I flip flopped and sandaled it alllll year long. Yeah, that doesn’t really work in Nashville.  My toes aren’t pleased when it’s all 19 degrees outside. So when we hit the 50’s and 60’s last week, I tossed all my boots in the closet as quickly as I possibly could and pulled out all my flip flops & wedges. Being so accident prone, I don’t really venture out into heel world too much – wedges are the most I can do without injuring myself (for the most part).

Back in the fall, I signed up for that (has anyone heard of this? And no, I don't work for them or anything, I just think they're amaaaaaazing!) – because for new users, you could get boots for half off, so I totally snagged a pair of boots for $19.95. Anyway, every month they charge you $34.99 unless you purchase something, or log in and “skip” this month – and then they charge you nothing.  If you don’t purchase something and forget to hit skip, you’ve got a credit to purchase something. So about a month ago I was about to cancel and then I started going into the wonderful world of wedges on their site and ordered another pair.

This is going to get me in trouble in the spring and summer  : ( I’m not sure how I’ll skip months during this time because I’m convinced now I have to have these:

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Ramblings...

It's a blah, rainy Monday, which started off with my slipping and falling in the mud, and then ripping my contact while driving & getting part of it stuck in my eye. Fun, right? Thank goodness, I'm back home, and I think staying in the rest of this dreary day is a fabulous idea.

Um, first of all: Did anyone watch Army Wives last night and sob like a baby? What a season opener.  I'm pretty sure I cried almost the entire episode. And this is the last season, sigh. Why do I get so emotionally invested in all these ridiculous shows?

Over the weekend, I did Baby Jacob's 3 month pics. He's on my "Watch Me Grow" program & is to die for cute. Anyway, as I go through pics, I fell in love with this.... He wouldn't smile for anything, and was so tired that he was just over the whole photo shoot - until Mama picked him up and started kissing him. And that's when he looked over and gave me this:

Adorable. I love my job. Playing with everyone else's babies and then being able to give them back is the best :)

So it's way early to be thinking about this, but....the bestie & I have serious plans for our Halloween costumes this year to dress up for our Dolphie's Halloween Party & need to invest a lot of time in them. We're both specific people from the 1960's, 70's, and I sat down this weekend and finally started jotting down some ideas.  And first and foremost, I need a kick ass wig.  In my searching I found this:

Um, I cannot even comprehend how awesome this is. Our Performance Studios shop has some really fabulous wigs, but I don't know if they have something like THIS. I also found this:

But I really like the first one better. I guess I can print these off and take them to the Studio shop & see if they have or can order anything comparable because I have no idea where the heck to look. I think our drag queens go to the Studio Shop to get all their stuff, so that tells me I'm headed in the right direction! Once I get this....I've got to figure out where the heck to go for an old stage dress?! Whew, I'm glad we started this early!

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Saturday, March 9, 2013


How is it already Sunday?? The weekend has flown by already! :( Well, we DID lose an hour... I am sure glad it won't get dark so early, but man that one hour is going to throw me off all day today. Thank goodness for naps, right?!

Saturday night Mom & I went to see Randy Travis at Schermerhorn. We're so fortunate to have such a gorgeous symphony center -- I was excited to have such a great show there.

And of course, it's just as gorgeous inside as it is outside! Cameras are super restricted....they freak out if you even get your phone out to take a pic, so as soon as the usher went away, I obviously started taking pictures. It's so gorgeous inside, with the most amazing lighting and architecture. 


With Mom before the show! 

The sound was amaaaazing too - and Randy put on a great show. I'd definitely list him in my top 5 fave acts, there's really not a song of his I don't love. He was one of my first concerts when I was little, and I still remember everything. He was one of my mom's absolute faves, so we saw him frequently before I was old enough to pronounce his name properly. (My mom still picks on me for calling him 'Randy Tabliss') We haven't seen his show in like 15 years, so it was great to see him again, especially here. It would have been so wonderful if my Granny had been here to enjoy it with us, although I'm sure she was certainly "there" with us. 

The Nashville Symphony did their own set beforehand, and I thought I'd be bored -- but surprisingly -- I really enjoyed it! 

And now, how about a little Sunday Social!
Sunday Social
1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I love scary movies -- but everything I hear about this one makes me terrified to watch it!

2. What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven't yet?
I don't think there is any. Nothing has really caught my eye. Thank goodness, because I have too much on the DVR as it is!

3. What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
Daring? Hmm...I can't think of any :( I'm not a daredevil

4. Would you ever travel alone?
Hell yeah. Did it all the time after I got my license and was ready to  hit the road for PL concerts. I didn't care how far it was, I was headed out. I loved the independence -- but don't get me wrong, there's NOTHING more fun than road trips with my bestie!

5. What activities do you like to do alone?
Is everything an option? LOL. I like to do a lot of stuff alone sometimes -- depends on my mood :) Sometimes I love clothes shopping alone, but then I realize I talk myself out of buying everything I try on. I do love listening to music alone at night sometimes -- as I learn to play my Grandfathers banjo, it's distracting to mess around with when other people around. 

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