Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

But first, you know what I don't love? Waking up at 2:40 in the morning to tornado sirens. Curling up in the closet trying to keep up with what was going on without falling back asleep.....I have never been so glad to hear "All Clear" a little after 4. But boy when that alarm went off at 5, I was positive I was going to die. Look, I'm accustomed to tornadoes. Nashville goes through this all the freaking time it seems like. But seriously? 2am? Come on...I'm already insanely paranoid of them, must we make it worse and wake me up to it in the dark?

So my morning looked like this:

Curled up in a blanket that I kept peering out of -- with tons of other blankets, my purse, laptop,  my Granny's urn, water, shoes, and a jacket. Clearly, I mean business when tornados come to town. 

Moving on....

What am I loving today?

This boy right here, who beat the University of Kentucky record for number of blocks in a game last night and led us to victory over Ole Miss! Go Nerlens! I love these boys! 

That stuff right there! The IRS is insane quick this year, and I get my tax refund on Friday. Clearly, I'll be loading up on way more bottles of wine from my Georgia Winery on the trip this weekend hahaha.

This dressing is like a drug. I am addicted to it. Like I want to go to Zaxby's and just order an entire box of these so I can use it on everything. I have got to find a way to make something that tastes exactly like it.

Um, this Waffle & Omelet Maker is the most awesome thing I've ever seen and I want it. LOVE IT. I'm not really sure why someone that doesn't really cook loves this so much, but....hey, maybe I'll get off my ass and make something a little more often if I have this. 

The fact that my brand spankin' new Mac will be here next week! The Mac nerd in me literally squealed when I placed my order. Yes, I know I need a life. 

And lastly....I'm leaving for Georgia Friday night for girls weekend with my bestie, and so we can head to the winery. I love love love my Georgia wine.  Can the weekend hurry up??

It is 6:00 and I'm laying in bed already watching tv. I might have had dinner in bed too. Don't judge me. I'm tired. 

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