Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Social!

Today I decided to tackle changing out the headlight bulb on the car, because it's been out forever. I've been a total jackass and used my high beams for a little while. I replaced the tail lights last year, and it was soooo easy. Headlight? Not so much. I guess it could be - the problem is it's my drivers side light, which is where the battery and battery casing is. So I can't seem to get my hand down and pull the bulb out because of the casing. I used the rain starting to fall as an excuse to stop & going to come up with something clever to get it out (tweezers? It's driving me nuts). I worked a total of 15 minutes on it and came in and loudly proclaimed I hate cars & they frustrate me, and how mad I was that it smudged my nail polish. Clearly, I was not cut out for any small mechanic work. 
Sunday Social
It's Sunday! Which means... Sunday Social time!

1. What is your ideal way to relax? 
Not doing a damn thing. No really - I love when I can be a total lazy bum, stay in my pajamas, watch TV and not have to worry about anything. 

2. Where is your favorite place to be? 
I could be totally cliche and say home, and that's definitely one of my favorite places to be. But, really, anywhere I'm with my friends/family/etc. I love being home. I love going up to Kentucky. I love going home to Florida - I have a good time everywhere I go, as long as I have my friends with me. 

3. Who do you consider your biggest role model?
It's really easy for me to say PL, because goodness knows she sure helped me during my childhood/teenage years - and things I learned from her during those years is totally invaluable. But I'd be crazy not to include my Granny, the one who taught me I didn't need to worry about what anyone else thought, and I needed to do what made me happy. 

4. What does your life look like in 3 years?
Who knows....

5. If you could go back and change one decision, what would it be?
I would have cut out some of the negative things/people weighing me down sooner than I did. 

6. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
Going back to school & starting my own business. I may have changed majors (twice), and transferred schools (from local that was absolutely killing me...this work full time, run a business on the side, and go to classes at night was pure hell.... to online UK classes) -- and taken a semester or two off, but still, I'm glad I went back.  

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