Thursday, January 24, 2013


So earlier in the week, my landlord called & said a property appraiser would be here this week. They're refinancing - so the appraiser has to see both inside and out.

Remember my lazy weekend? Yeah - no cleaning happened....which meant I had to jump into cleaning mode this week to make this place look good. Apparently they look in spaces like closets and crawlspaces and such? Guess whose hall closet is the junk closet? Whoops. I tried to make it look semi organized, really, I did!

But I got the idea to do serious cleaning in my closet, and thought "It's time to get rid of all this crap I don't wear anymore!" Not to mention, EVERY morning I get dressed and immediately decide "Ew I hate this!" and change clothes. EVERY MORNING. Seriously, why is getting dressed so ridiculous? I liked it at some point, right? Then I come home from work every afternoon immediately annoyed that there's a pile of clothes laying on my bed.

Armed with a box to send to Goodwill, and a box to just toss, I hauled butt to the closet to take on this project.

Um yeah. What did I take to Goodwill? Nothing. Every damn outfit I played the "Oh, I loved that shirt! Oh, so and so bought me that, why would I get rid of that dress, I'll eventually wear it again!" excuses. How am I going to make room for new clothes if I REFUSE TO GET RID OF CLOTHES I rip off & refuse to wear on a daily basis?

Sigh. Life was so much easier when my mom would threaten to throw away things if I didn't go through them myself.

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1 comment:

  1. lmao i am the same way! i finally got rid of things because i was like, emily, you're NOT moving all this shit across the country with you.

    getting dressed every morning is anightmare.

    why though, we're so hot?
