Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekend Ramblings...

I saw this on Pinterest tonight and fell in love:

This list is so great, and made me think of how some of these truly work. I can't tell you how many bad days I've left the office and immediately turned on my favorite song in the car to jam to -- and usually I forget what I was mad about and move on. Let's just say the "Cook a Meal from scratch" is so never going to happen in this house though :) 

Speaking of Pinterest....I've been looking up 12091021 things on there for decorating and crafting ideas. Since I've made the decisions to cut back on some work and have more "me" time this year, I am going to finish decorating this place, and change it up a little bit. I cannot believe I've lived here 2 1/2 years and still haven't fully decorated. Not to mention, I have major organization that needs to be done - especially in the kitchen. 

I spotted this, and thought it might be super awesome for the cupboards, and make my own labels to match the color scheme of my kitchen.

I was thinking of doing this for the hallway  -- especially the quotes. The hallway is where I keep Granny's urn with a framed picture of her. I was thinking this whole wall that I keep that on would look so great with family portraits and quotes.

While on pinterest, I discovered Craftgawker -- has anyone else seen this? It's an insane amount of awesome craft projects to do. It's also addicting like pinterest -- I discovered it today and spent two hours on it. I can already tell what my 2013 is going to be full of....

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