Thursday, January 17, 2013

Come on Spring!

You know what I hate? Winter. You aren’t going to find me outside making snow angels screaming about how beautiful the snow is. Of course, I’m a southern girl, so – a lot of northerners make fun of me when I panic when the word “snow” comes into play. In our defense, we aren’t really prepared for it the way folks up north are --- and our drivers don’t know what we’re doing. Myself included – last snow day (okay more like flurries) consisted of me rushing out of work early, driving 20 mph on the interstate while people rode my ass behind me and calling my sister while I sobbed, telling her about my freaking out while I passed a ton of cars on the side of the road. (Apparently I launch into drama queen mode during snow days) This week Nashville went from flooding, to tornadoes to ice warnings – good grief! And, you can imagine what ice does if just flurries throw us in a tizzy! Thankfully, like any good Tennessean – I went to the store Monday and got my milk and bread before they sold out. But seriously, can we kick this weather to the curb and spring just hurry up? Besides, I really need to be in flip flops, no one can see how adorable my painted toenails look when I have to wear boots all the time. ;)

And while I’m mentioning things I hate, let’s discuss the inhumane news of the day – Disney has cancelled the 3D release of “The Little Mermaid”. Whaaat? Doesn’t Disney KNOW that the twin cousin & I already PLANNED this out? Rocking Little Mermaid t-shirts and driving to our halfway marks to see this in the theater? I mean – it’s the Little Mermaid! The best Disney movie ever made. We feel jipped. ;)

So, I was hesitant to tune into Idol last night because let’s not lie: I cannot stand Nicki Minaj. But I love the audition period, and I love Keith Urban, so I tuned in. I’m not surprised it wound up being low ratings, really. It wasn’t anything spectacular. Nicki and Mariah’s arguing is already annoying – I was over it the first 10 minutes in! (But I will say: Mariah EARNED her diva status, and everyone knows it! She’ll even readily admit it!) There were some super talented kids on there, definitely – and a lot of not so talented kids on there. I don’t know, am I the only one thinking Idol just really needs to call it quits? I used to be such a faithful watcher, but the past few years I’ve wound up turning it off after the audition periods.

Just so I don’t completely sound like the negative nancy in this post, let me just say: it’s a HOLIDAY WEEKEND this weekend! I’ve gone over in my head a million times on how to take advantage of the long weekend, but vegging on the couch seriously sounds like the best option. I’m allowed to be lazy on holidays, right? I did start looking at my “Crafty” board on Pinterest so I could maybe start a few projects I’ve really been thinking about - maybe it’ll jumpstart me into hanging up the frames and stuff I got for Christmas? They are still sitting in the boxes!

Happy Almost Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I cant watch it. I just cant do it. I am over all of the shows though, x factor, voice, etc. It's just so played out! Keith is fun to look at though so I guess that's worth it. I definitely think they should call it quits!
