Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The end is near....

I can't be the only one who feels like this week is lasting forever, right?! I cannot believe it's only Wednesday (don't get me wrong - I've been waiting for tonight to get here since Modern Family came back tonight!). Here I was, all ready to get back to my normal routine - but I wasn't really ready for the incredibly long first full week back! Thank goodness Friday is near....

However,  I have been so crazy productive this week --- it's been nice to have free time lately to GET other stuff done! I'm done with my work out, made dinner, and ready to veg for the night and it's only 6:15 - total success!

My goal this week is to somewhat re-vamp PLN - and that's it! And then, Monday is this handsome boy's birthday:

I cannot believe he's almost 11 - seems like just yesterday I was in the delivery room crying! I was the first person to hold him after my sister and brother in law, so I totally believe that's why he's MY boy ;) He's got a party Saturday with his class from school, but first thing in the morning, Mom & I are taking him to iHop, and then to Lowe's for his Build & Grow session. Then our family party for him is Sunday. He is so stinkin' cute on his birthday, and I love watching him open his presents! So this weekend is ALL about my little K-man! 

I've found some great blog challenges on a few of your blogs and on pinterest -- I've got to jump on board, but without needing to blog every day. Is it cheating to do the 365, but post a roundup of it each week? And, a basic 365 or should it be the monthly challenges that require certain things to shoot?

Tomorrow is the UK-Vandy game! A big game here --- LET'S GO BIG BLUE!

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