Tuesday, January 22, 2013

facts of me...

Should I admit that I've been living in my pajamas for four days, minus two brief trips out on Sunday & today, in which I immediately came back home and put my pajamas back on? Back to reality tomorrow. 

I have tried not to doing a ton of link ups, but I loved this one and loved reading everyone else's ---So, Whitney's doing a great link up today with random facts! (And if you're blogging, head over to Whitney's and grab her link to chime in!)
  • I totally used to think that airplanes in the sky at night were flying alligators thanks to my big sister. I spotted one at a young age, growing up in Florida and asked what it was and my sister told me it was a flying alligator. I believed it for awhile --- every time I'd see one, I'd excitedly turn around to my sister and shout "SAM! IT'S ANOTHER FLYING ALLIGATOR!" I was so pissed when I found out they were airplanes! 
Aren't you jealous of our side ponytails?!

  • I cannot drive in snow. Regular ole snow, can't do it. I completely panic -- and I'll be in tears & have myself convinced that I'm going to die until I call my sister to calm me down so I can get home in one piece. I will not leave the house again until the snow is gone. See why I live in the South? 
  • While I'm talking phobia's, I'm ridiculously petrified of tornadoes. My sister makes fun of me because I keep a safe area in my closet during Tennessee's most active tornado season. I say I'm just well prepared in the event of an emergency, and would rather be safe than sorry. (And I'm fully aware I sound like my mom here, sigh.) 
  • My twin cousin & I cry about everything - and I do mean everything. (Which is kind of funny because I don't really know anyone else in our family on that side that cries so insanely easy) Now we usually have the random texts during the week proclaiming something stupid that made us cry. (Emily's best was "I just cried because of the woman on the radio that won today. I mean, she was so happy!")
  • And speaking of, my cousin Emily & I refer to each other as twin cousins because we've been inseparable since we were super little. When we were little, everyone assumed we were sisters, and whatever one liked, the other liked, we were practically carbon copies of each other. 
  • I silently correct people on some of their Grammar. When I see someone not using "you're/your" properly, I want to punch them in the face. 

  • I'm super punctual -- and if you make plans with me at an exact time and are late, I'm not going to be happy. And yes, I will look at my phone 2 minutes after and whine about how someone is late.  Time is valuable. 
  • The hospital closest to my house knows my name from frequent visits -- and they usually know when I come in that it's something my clumsy ass did myself and say, "What did you do this time?" Sigh.
  • I have this weird thing about setting the alarm and have to set it for a random time -- if I want to get up around 5:30,  I will set it for 5:23, or 5:34 - but never 5:30 on the dot. This is one of the many weird things my nephew has gotten from me. 
  • I've been to over 250 PL shows in 29 states (I think that's what it was at when I looked last!)
  • And on the subject of PL,  her logo from "When Fallen Angels Fly" was my first tattoo when I turned 18. My aunt swore I'd regret it & probably not even like PL in a few years. 11 years later, I still love that damn tattoo. She's the only thing I'd ever "stuck with" from childhood to now. 
  • And on that note, I have 6 tats - my PL logo, the chinese symbol for "Aunt" on my left wrist, a purple heart with angel wings for my Granny on my right wrist, a music note on my toe, and my sister and I have matching palm trees on our ankles as a nod to our hometown. Finally, my sister and I also got matching chinese sister symbols on our shoulders - I have little sister & she has big sister.
  • I have the mouth of a sailor. My niece used to tell me I shouldn't "say those words" haha, and I totally tried not to. (That didn't work out so well!) 

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