Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Social

It is seriously 11:23 and I just got out of bed a few minutes ago. Yesterday I never left the house. Lazy weekends are the best. I am kind of disappointed that I have to run to Kroger today! Although tomorrow is a holiday, so another home day, and I work from home Tuesday, soooo....staying in might start to drive me nuts by then! (Well, I say this, but then Wednesday will roll around and I will whine about how I have to get up and leave)

It's Sunday social time! This weeks questions are all about 3's...

Sunday Social

1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food
Southern, Italian & wine - that counts for a food, right? :) 

2. First 3 things you do in the morning
Put my glasses one, check my email, turn the tv on - priorities people!

3. Last 3 things you do at night
Take out my contacts, wash my face, and usually play endlessly with my iPhone until I fall asleep.

4. 3 TV shows you NEVER miss
Modern Family, Dance Moms, Dallas

5. 3 places you want to visit
Italy, Australia, Greece

6. 3 people you can always count on
Rita, my sissy & my cousin Em

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  1. Dance Moms is such catty adolescent drama but by adults --- I cant help it hahaha.

  2. Dance Moms gives me life! I cried last week when Chloe won that special little judges award. I think she's so sweet!

    1. I love Chloe! She is so talented, and I feel bad she always gets overshadowed by Maddie.

      The moms make my week. I cannot live without their catty drama.
