Monday, February 4, 2013

Adventures in Remodeling....

This has been quite the week. Thursday, the guy my landlord hired to come remodel the bathroom started working. He was given an extra key since I was heading to Georgia on Friday. I came home Sunday and immediately noticed my lock was different and my key no longer worked. Luckily, the guy was here working so I could get in.

I called the neighbor on the other side of the duplex and asked him if he knew what was going on -- the guy working, Lupe, doesn't speak English very well, and I could not understand him at all. Lupe was showing me that he changed the locks, but I just didn't understand why. The neighbor tells me that Lupe locked himself out on Friday, and the landlord called the neighbor. The neighbor said he broke in, but he fixed the window they had to use to get in. So I have NO idea why Lupe decided to change my locks, and I'm not happy about it. Had I come home in the middle of the night, I would not have been able to get into my own apartment.

My poor apartment is such a mess. He laid a sheet down -- and why, I'll never know, because it did NOTHING.

My neighbor sent me these to show me what a mess this guy was making of my floors.

And when I get this, I realize he's using my towels! My towels, while he is putting tile in the shower and using grout. What???

After sweeping and running a swiffer....

Today I ran to the store and got a new mop, and a TON of different cleaning supplies, just grabbing whatever I could in hopes that it will help me restore my floors. If I can't get them to look good, I expect the landlord to hire a cleaner, because I have taken such great care of my floors in the almost-three-years that I've lived here.

And don't get me started on my front porch -- anyone know the best way to clean a welcome mat? The welcome mat I have was my Granny's, and he used his saw and all his tools on his, so it's positively disgusting. I mean, is there a certain cleaner I can use for it? 

Lupe is here finishing up,and then I think a call to the landlord is in order. We clearly have to establish a better plan for when things need done in the house - because a PLUMBER changing my locks while I'm out of town, with no notice is definitely not okay. 

Fingers crossed today gets better!

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