Thursday, February 14, 2013

Web Nerd Ramblings...

Warning: The geek in me is going to come out in this post.

My new Mac arrived last week, and like any true computer nerd, I squealed and ripped it out of the box -- and yes, I left work early to come home and plug this baby up!

I love the world of a new computer --- but I forgot how much I hate getting my settings just how I want them, my color profiles in photoshop, re-setting up all my sites in FTP.... I haven't calibrated my new monitor yet either, and it's driving me completely batty. It figures that my calibration tool doesn't work on my new monitor, so I had to order Spyder4Elite so I can properly get it taken care of, and haven't been able to edit any photos. Eventually, this is going to be set up right & I can start doing more work!

So, in place of editing photos, I've been doing a lot of coding for a few sites....which brings me to some of the recent things I've found on Pinterest. (How did I find anything before Pinterest?!)

Yes, my fellow web nerds - this shirt exists. Cutest ever. I am on the verge of hitting the buy button too.

Annnd just when you think they couldn't possibly get any cuter....

I laughed. I love this. 

And this one is mine --- my new contacts case came today! I also ordered a Ctrl V & Ctrl C case too. 

And because it's Valentines Day, it's imperative I close with a photo of my Valentines! (I'm fully aware these statements totally make me sound like a mother. This is what happens when you're obsessed with your nieces & nephews) I was so tired tonight I didn't head over to my sisters, but my Saturday date night will be a dinner & a movie with this little man! 

My three Valentines! Love, Love, Love my babies!  I don't really care what's going on, how could you look at those faces and not smile? 

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