Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Almost Friday Y'all!

Can this week just hurry up and be done already? It's been a hell of a week....not just one of my credit card numbers was stolen this week, but TWO. TWO freaking cards? Are you kidding me? One was my debit card, and the other was my business card that --- apparently a merchant I've used both cards at in the past was hacked. I've had a card stolen before, but never two in the same damn week! Now the new ones just need to come on -- I am not a cash girl, and I continuously keep grabbing my debit card when I check out and then have a DUH moment when it's declined.

However, I did go to my mom's last night, who promptly made me dinner, sewed one of my shirts & a pair of jeans that needed fixing and did my laundry for me. These are reasons my mom is cooler than yours :P

But I'm still glad the week is almost over...... Because quite frankly, when the day is over tomorrow, my night is going to be all about:

Yes. Yes it is. 

So, I totally drafted up an entry last night for What I'm Loving Wednesday  and then just let it sit and never posted it. Boo. So guess what?! It's "What I'm Loving Wednesday" on THURSDAY this week.

Saw this on Music City Sarah and loved it. Um, I need this shirt.

WHY, in all my genius-ness....did I not think of this when my Paige was a baby!? I can already see her in this onesie rocking baby pearls. I mean seriously. 

Want to see the cutest thing ever? Betty White. In bunny ears. You're welcome. 

I introduced my Mom to Sweet Brown the other week -- she had never seen her! In showing her, we found this gem! We laughed so hard we cried - this guy made my day. 

Happy Almost Friday y'all!

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1 comment:

  1. I would ahte being without debit cards.

    That has to be the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. This guy is hysterical. I love how he says that he isn't lucky to be alive lol.
