Sunday, February 10, 2013

Catching Up....

Who knew such a little remodel could make my week so insane? Finally -- the bathroom is complete--- after the dude completed it, and then spilled mortar down the drain. Which obviously meant -- no water could drain. The painter was supposed to come Tuesday and then just never showed up. I might have thrown a hissy fit, but clearly it worked as everything was complete Wednesday!

Because this gets shit done. 

But moving on...

Last weekend, I went down to Georgia for girls weekend with my bestie. We had actually planned on going to Alabama during the day on Saturday, but the snow kind of threw us off, and we didn't want to go over the mountain. Where the hell did that snow come from, anyway? Thank goodness I decided to go Friday and have two days --- god knows that my panic in just Nashville in snow flurries would have been insane trying to drive over Monteagle Mountain!

Anyway, instead of venturing out for the day, we opted for Lazy Girls weekend -- we went to a late lunch and then headed to the Winery. We were back at the house by 3:00, where we promptly changed back into our pajamas, started putting a bottle of wine in the crock pot to mull it,  while opening another bottle of wine to start drinking. (And why is it everyone back home looks at us like we're crazy when we talk about mulling wine?! Is like Georgia the only state that knows how to rock their wine?!) 

And because we were apparently afraid of being snowed in again with no wine, I bought six bottles of Concord, and Rita bought three bottles of Georgia on my Mind & Blueberry.  Forget the milk and bread, we had wine! Priorities people, priorities.

Every girl should be so fortunate to have a best friend that starts drinking wine with them at 3:30 in pj's while bitching about men, cheering on Kentucky Wildcats, singing Gene Watson, watching chick flicks like When Harry Met Sally & taking stupid silly pictures with the iPad!  

I decided last week to make an iPad change and picked up the iPad mini. Um, seriously, do you even realize how much lighter this is than the regular iPad??? Even with my case on it, I forget it's in my bag sometimes. 

I picked it up on the way to GA, which meant once we downed a few bottles of wine -- the more we played with the camera and giggled and took ridiculous pictures like this:

Yes, we're nerds. I know. 

Mom, Samantha & I saw a screening of "Safe Haven" this there ever going to be a Nicholas Sparks movie that DOESN'T make me cry? I heard the book was fabulous, and I absolutely loved the movie. I guess I'll pick up the book now and see the comparisons (yes, I'm doing this backwards).

Watch the trailer. And then drag your boyfriend out to see it. 

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  1. Love the Concord! What is Georgia on my Mind, though? Dont think I've tried that before!

    1. I don't really like GOMM because it's a peach flavored wine.
