Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Ramblings...

I wanted to sleep in so late today,'s College Game Day!!! So, I was a lazy bum this morning and set my alarm so I could watch ESPN live in Kentucky to see my Cats - while laying in bed, and went back to sleep for a bit after. (Let's go Kentucky! I hope my Cats win tonight!!!)

When I rolled out of bed, Mom & I went to the Country Music Hall of Fame - she wanted to purchase a membership & today was Ford Day, so it was a fabulous special on the membership fees! Unfortunately, that also meant the museum was free admission today -- and the place was INSANE busy. Line all the way down the road, through the lobby. Crazy. Fortunately - I'm already a member, so once mom bought her membership, they gave us card holder tickets and we got to skip the line. They've got a special Dottie West exhibit that I've been dying to see - oh how I loved her, and think it's such a travesty that she isn't IN the Hall of Fame.

Everyone tells me I was born in the wrong generation...I know, I know. Don't get me wrong, I loved Country Music of the 90's - obviously, since PL is my fave. But the old school stuff - that's where it's at. I cannot stand the crap I hear on today's radio - and some of them are SO talented, but the songs are SUCH CRAP. (And others are just plain crap :P)

We were able to run into Phonoluxe afterwards, where I scored some new records (thanks Mom!), and had a light dinner. Pretty nice day with mom -- and tomorrow we're headed to Samantha's for the day to celebrate Miss Paige's 15th birthday! Ouch, where did the time go???

Anyway, some of the new Dottie exhibit highlights for us:

I love this....I love seeing all the stuff artists wrote. 

I LOVE this pic! 

Dottie is sooo under-rated, so seeing her accolades in the exhibit warmed my heart. 

And to end with two of my favorite guys in music....

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