Sunday, February 17, 2013

Saturday "date" Day!

In continuing my "best aunt ever" role, my handsome date Saturday was this cutie pie:

We started the day off at Cheddars -- he insisted, because he is obsessed with their croissants. As luck would have it, when we arrived, they sat us in the booths kind of around the bar area, and what was on? Why yes, it WAS the Kentucky game! 

Yes, the god-awful Kentucky-UT game that was just horrendous & painful to watch. But as we sat down and I said "Ohhh they have the game on!", Kadin immediately turned to watch. Throughout our lunch I heard things like "What is Kentucky doing!? Why are they losing?!! They need to focus. COME ON KENTUCKY, WE WANT YOU TO WIN". At one point, he was so genuinely frantic about the Cats losing the game, the guy next to us said "You are teaching him right, go Cats!". While I couldn't have been more proud, I explained to Kadin we were reeeeally losing, and with 8 minutes left in the game, we just couldn't come back. Looking me right in the eyes, he goes, "Well, it doesn't matter if Kentucky wins or loses, because they will always be our best team!" Sigh. I love this boy. 

Watching our Cats!

From there we went to the movies to see Escape from Planet Earth in 3D -- which was seriously adorable. And who teared up at the end? Sigh. I cannot help it, why do they put such sweet messages in kids movies?  I recommend it, Kadin loved it, and they mixed a lot of sweet moments with funny moments - and the cast was great! 

As soon as we got in the car after the movies, he asked "So...where are we going next?" Haha, I'm totally whipped. We wandered all over Super Target before heading to K-Mart - he was on the hunt for a very specific Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy. 

We checked out the TMNT Lego sets they have out now too -- when the hell did TMNT come back? When I said "your mom and I used to watch that when we were little!", Kadin seemed all kinds of shocked that it had been around that long, LOL.

And who walked out with goodies? This boy right here. And he's so impatient he had to open it in the car the split second we got in.

So, Kadin is really into wrestling, and one of the things he got was one of the Rey Mysterio figures that came with a matching mask for Kadin. It was a tight fit though - and I was thinking it might not fit him. But because he is impatient, I had a feeling he would try to force it to fit and wind up ripping it -- and he wanted me to help him while I was driving. I pulled into the next drive there was, which happened to be a gas station, and started to help him. As we worked on his mask, it dawned on me stopping at a gas station to PUT ON a mask in the parking lot wasn't exactly the brightest idea on the planet.

Sorry to any Tigermarket employees we might have terrified :) 

We got it to fit, and he was a happy boy! And then I got serenaded by the Rey Mysterio music the rest of the way home....

I brought him home and Paige said "I want to go on a date!!"....hahaha. Samantha is always quick to remind her that she's had years of me spoiling her --- and that we did. Since Samantha worked with my father, Paige was at our house during the day and part of the night almost 7 days a week so my mom & I could watch her, plus I went home with my sister two nights a week to babysit from time time Paige was 3 days old - we were never away that baby. That meant Aunt Nicole got all kinds of spoiling time in.

Now it's Kadin turn to be spoiled (but let's not lie, as I shell out $20 for every "A" Paige gets on her report card --- she's still a spoiled one) - and he is loving it.

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1 comment:

  1. Such a good aunt you are. Kids always remember these things. I'm sure Paige never forgets those really long trips you took her on for PL shows, too! Memories forever.
