Friday, February 15, 2013

It's a money spending Friday!

Happy Friday!!! Bring on a 3 day weekend! I've got a dinner & a movie date with my Mr.Handsome tomorrow - he's requested to see that Planet Earth movie, which really DOES look cute! I'm glad little man likes movies now, because I have an excuse to see all these adorable children's movies!

I just bought what's probably the cutest pair of boots you'll ever see in your life:

Adorable. Never mind the fact that the last time I wore rain boots was when I was like 6 years old and got yellow rain boots to match this rocking duck rain jacket:

Ever the fashionista, I also rocked purple leg warmers with my duck rain coat. Don't be jealous. And yes, when I pulled the hood over my head, it had a beak. I would blame my mother on this, but I not only loved this jacket: I ASKED for it for my birthday.

Anyway, the fact is the rain boots were adorable and I was completely convinced that I could not live another day without them. And every Cats fan should have these, right?? And it MATCHES MY UMBRELLA! It was a NECESSARY PURCHASE!

I have no clue why I buy some of the things I buy. Seriously, what possesses me to purchase things sometimes that I’m not going to wear much or --- even worse --- never going to wear? When I cleaned out the closet the other week (you know, when I claimed I was going to scale back, and then couldn’t part with anything?), I found multiple shirts that I remember buying, but have NEVER worn. And two weeks later – still haven’t! I am the most ridiculous impulse buyer, I will buy anything, whether I need it or not. After buying stuff on the SEC’s site, I headed over to Fred Flare – just out of random curiosity, and….now my cart is filling up:

In my defense, this is for my sister because I think it’s hilarious....and her birthday is next month! (Ehhh, lets hope she doesn't read my blog for a month, right? Hahaha Happy Birthday Sissy!)

Seriously, this is a shark oven mitt. Do I seriously need this? Am I ever actually going to USE this? It doesn't matter, because I just bought it.

This is one of my phrases at work that I say alllll the time. (Okay, one of the things that I frequent at work that can actually be written out!) If someone says ‘Just sayin’, one of the girls at work will tout, "Okay, now you sound like Nicole!" Which clearly means Nicole NEEDS these post it notes, right?

Okay, this mini robot is a vacuum! Um,  hello, is this not the most clever and cutest idea ever?! Does my purchasing it mean I'm going to become even lazier than I am now sometimes? 

I clearly need to get off this site before I buy even more crap that I do not need or have no clue what I'm going to do with. Apparently I just enjoy spending money, period. 

And since I mentioned my Cats earlier, are any of my UK folks as heartbroken about Tuesdays game as I am?! You know, the one where Nerlens did this? 

Ouch. Poor Nerlens. It was soooo hard to see on ESPN what he exactly did, but from his screaming, you knew that sucker hurt. Looking at this makes sense. I sure hope he has an easy recovery – 6 to 8 months is a long time. I am super super bummed that he is out for the season – it worries me on how the team will be without him, but we've got some great boys on there this year, so I'll remain optimistic. I'm not counting the Cats out yet! Love my Cats -- and hoping I see Nerlens on the team again next year! 
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  1. I've never even heard of Fred Flare! I just went on the site and think I might be addicted to some of the merch!

    1. Hahah I LOVE the random stuff on that site!!!
