Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's my party...

First of all....I just said last post how excited the teenage fangirl in me was about this Nsync reunion, and that was no lie. It was short but sweet & totally worth squealing totally freaking out over.


So, it's officially the big 3-0 birthday week, which basically means it's time to party right? So Saturday sis, bestie & I trekked up to Kentucky for my party.

hitting the road with my girls! 

All was like normal....the girls dropped stuff off inside, and we headed over to Denny's to eat dinner, when Rita tells me I can't drive over to the club and get the room key yet because Metcalf has this "large present" for me that she is afraid he will be getting out of the car when I go over.  We hang in the parking lot for a short bit before I get the okay to go up to our room. Once ready, I wasn't allowed to go down to the club before Metcalf text Rita with an "Okay". 

We head down the steps and into the bar, and everyone gives me a loud "Happy Birthday", and I round the corner and see the twin cousin! She drove down from Cleveland that morning to surprise me for my party. 

First of all, I WAS super super surprised - which doesn't happen often. Secondly, I'm more surprised folks were able to keep it from me. My bestie isn't the greatest secret keeper, but she definitely kept this one! This was also Emily's first visit to our beloved Dolphie's, so she finally got to see what we talk about all the time!

I've said so many times, but I am so so fortunate to have such amazing friends -- and even more fortunate a couple of those folks I'm related to. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday party than to have my bestie, sister & cousin all there with me. And of course, to be with so many of my other friends we love to party with at Dolphie's. 

Before I share a little pic spam, I must say: The twin cousin & I totally rocked "Material Girl", just like we did as children at our family reunion. (And then we did a little "Goodbye Earl", because we've decided to be the next Dixie Chicks. And yes, this was a decision we made while sober!)

So now, tons of pic spam (a mix of camera & iPhone shots, of course!) of my favorites from the party!

Friends decided this year to go on an "Opry" theme to make a nod to my ridiculous love for vintage country music. I don't think this could have been any more adorable! This cake PERFECTLY describes me. Not to mention, it was amazing - if you're in Nashville, seriously, get all your cake needs at Nashville Sweets!

We started off with birthday shots!

with the bestie! love love love this girl! 

my sister decided to buy all this get up....and I voluntarily put it on briefly  -- before we started drinking! Am I a good sport or what?!

with my sissy! (I might be 30, but I'm forever the baby sister, and I still get to refer to my sister as my sissy all I want!)

Rita & Metcalf


posing with the cutest cake ever! 

On the way to Kentucky, Rita text Metcalf to get candles. Apparently he thought he'd get a lot - so we could have 30 candles on the cake (31, they gave me "one to grow on")

Major props to my twin cousin & bestie for making sure I didn't catch my hair on fire while leaning in, blowing out my candles. 

So my cousin knows my insane love for Concord wines, and picked this gem up for me at a winery in New York. Let's see how long this lasts at my house. (Maybe I should have opened it and said "Challenge Accepted"?)

Love this girl!!! (Wait, should I hashtag that? Only this girl gave me a birthday card that not only included terms of endearment like bitch, but wrote hashtags inside!)

And my favorite from the night, of me with my favorite girls! (in my favorite place!)

Amazing party -- and a fabulous time with everyone.  There's nothing better than a night out having drinks, singing, and laughing with my favorite people -- and yes -- we all practiced our Nsync dance moves too!

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! I agree there is nothing better than having a great time, drinking and hanging out with awesome friends! :) Happy belated birthday!

    ***excuse the deleted comment, I'm on my 2nd glass of wine! :)
