Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Catch up....

Happy Monday! It's a "time to sit down and look over the calendar" morning -- when did August get so busy?!

Saturday we took the kiddos to see Despicable Me 2 - and we all loved it as much as the kids did! It was totally cuter than the first one, and we cracked up. They are making some seriously funny kids movies lately. Is there anything funnier than the Minions!?

This entire scene had the whole family cracking up --- so hilarious & adorable.  

There are SO many movies coming out we want to see --- and being the movie freaks we are, we're headed BACK to the theater tomorrow & Wednesday. Tomorrow we're taking Kadin to see The Smurfs 2:

Because he talked about it ALL.DAY Saturday. And I made the mistake of saying "I'll take you to Opry Mills to see it" -- and most of you know his deep love for that damn theater there that he calls "his second home" --- so all afternoon I got the "SO, Aunt Nicole, when did you want to take me to Opry Mills?" So freaking spoiled.

I finally upgraded my iPhone 4 to the 5 over the weekend (hooray for a better battery! Man I love my iPhone, but I was really going to throw the 4 through the window for the horrible battery life I had! I know, my phone is glued to my hand, but that was the worst battery life in any phone I've ever had!), so Kadin had to play with it, and had to test out the camera on it at lunch...

My boy is growing up! Aunt Nicole is not liking this at all :(

And after a cute pic, he said "Cross your eyes or stick your tongue out!"
love love love this boy. 

That sums up our Saturday! A day with the fam, and smooching on my sweet boy, can't ask for a better day than that. 

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