Monday, August 12, 2013

Ohio: Part Deux!

Serious picspam ahead, because the last two days of my Ohio trip were pretty epic. So epic that I'm going to break it down into two entries. All the pics really don't even cover the two days totally, but they give a quick glimpse! If you're on my Facebook, you've seen a lot more :) (And most of these are posted on there too, so you're getting a double dose.)

The twin cousin & I hit wineries on Saturday - and when I say we hit wineries, I mean we went wine tasting at 7 wineries in a span of 6 hours. Do we get some sort of award for this?! We were pretty proud of this....

And after all that, we still had the energy to go to one of our cousin's gigs and hang out with family for a little while. Bad ass, we are indeed. But one of the best days ever. Everyone should be so fortunate to have a cousin they grew up with & are still best friends with almost 30 years later!

We started the day off by -- surprise! Taking a self portrait in the Target parking lot!

If there was only one photo to describe our day, it would be this! This first winery even gave us goldfish! 

The gorgeous background behind us at winery 2, 3....I can't even remember!

What I DO remember there though is this stuff. Iced Concord.  How much do I rave about my beloved concord wine?! And this is ICED?! Total heaven. I could have had this all day! 

But, we had plans, and had to head off to the next winery --- and even in the rain, we found gorgeous places to hang out outside to enjoy our wine! 

At some point during the day, we stopped at the restaurant at the winery & got some food. And our appetizer was this awesome bread with Olive Oil & Balsamic tasting tray. Have you ever seen a better idea in your life? No, you haven't. It was agreed that White Balsamic & Roasted Garlic were the winners!

On the way to one of the wineries, we stopped by one of my childhood homes! We lived here when I was a little shit, before we moved to Florida, and I still remember it. 

When we made it to the Firehouse Winery on Geneva on the Lake, it was only slightly raining, so we got to sit outside & listen to a seriously terrible musician! But we totally got a cute video out of it, so it was worth the torture, right? Also, this stuff we got with our wine cups was some sort of wine with like sprite & something else. It was one of the best drinks you'll ever have. 

What's that? Another cute picture of me and my cousin? Yes, yes it is. 

For our grand finale, we stopped at the Spring Hill Winery (which I INSTANTLY recognized. Props for a good memory! My mom used to buy apples at this place!), and got wine SLUSHIES! Heaven, I tell you. Brainfreeze too.

A short time later we were hanging out with our family at my cousin Nick's gig -- visiting with my Aunt Cookie & Uncle Paul!

three of us cousins

with my cousin Nick

Nick doing his thing!

Sooooo much fun, and so great to catch up with more of the family. We ended the trip with a cookout at Uncle Scott & Aunt Faye's, so that's up next!

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1 comment:


    best day of singalongs and wine drinking ever! and like, we totally drank water and were responsible all day!? Not to mention the wardrobe change, we looked better without the sweaters: fact.

    this was so much fun. i wanna do it again. come over!
