Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ohio: Grand Finale!

My last night in Ohio, we had a cook out at my Uncle Scott and Aunt Faye's house. To prepare for this, Emily and I went grocery shopping together and bought food for like 12 people. And let me say, this was ridiculously different than either one of our normal grocery trips. And clearly, throwing big parties at home is not on either one of our resume's, because the conversation went something like this:

Emily: "Okay, so we need hamburger and hot dogs."
*both stare at all the hamburger options*
*throws one pack each in the cart*
Me: "And buns!"
*throws one pack of each in the cart*
Me: "Hey, do you think we might need more than 8 buns???"

But whatever. We had enough food for everyone, and we congratulated ourselves after our stressful shopping trip by getting ice cream. And then we had a fabulous time playing with the kids while my Uncle grilled out some of the yummiest burgers we've ever had. Probably one of the best ways to cap my trip - loooove my family, and I can't wait to visit again in December. (And I type this with one tab open to Blogger, the other looking up flights!)

My aunt & uncle's back yard is so intense --- my aunt has the most INCREDIBLE garden, so I had to snap a few pics before the cookout....

I like to call this the "OH MY GOD, I JUST REALIZED WE'RE RELATED TO THESE PEOPLE!" shot. Baby Luke and Jacob are just so precious. I love these babies!

We wanted to get pics of all the boys - and wanted Em to get a pic with all the boys. As soon as Em sat down with Jacob, Gavin just HAD to have him. It was probably one of the cutest things ever.

It was like an all-american family cookout. Uncle Scott grilling, Aunt Faye playing with the kids....

Em & her favorite boy! So cute...(no, she doesn't spoil him or anything...)

I wanted to get a family shot of my cousin Danny's family. It's hard to get 4 kids so young together, but they really did great to at least give me a couple good ones! And Gavin's face here is soooo great. And Jacob totally looks like he's waving. Hilarious. 

with  my sweet Uncle Scott. Love love love him. 

You know how some folks dread having to be around some aunts and uncles? Yeah, I don't have that -- my Aunt Faye & Uncle Scott are top notch. 

Mom & Aunt Jan arrived as we started to eat, so they were able to take over baby duty & let everyone eat together. Shortly thereafter, Emily and I took Aidan and Gavin over to the park. (Yes, when you open the back fence door, it's a park!)

but we had just as much fun as the kids! (well, after we got rid of the kids smoking pot on the playground. Yes, you read that right.)

Aidan is one of the best kids you would ever want to hang out with. 

And Gavin has more personality than you have ever seen in someone so young! 

This one kind of melts my heart, because they were playing on this solo up until this point, and as I went to snap the pic, Aidan looked over at Gavin and it was just so precious. 

My aunt & uncle came over at some point, and when they went to go back to the house, Gavin spotted them walking away and shouted "HEY!!!" -- but didn't want to leave the park. Aunt Faye successfully enticed him back to the house in no time though. (Seriously, the most amusing grandma ever. If she lived here, I'd be hiring her to go to sessions with me!)

I truly hated to leave Ohio this time, even though it's always nice to come home. Although I talk to my cousin Emily every day, when we're together it's like we're still 6 year olds playing with our Magic Nursery dolls.

One thing that did make me laugh was my uncle needing my keys, so he said "Nicole! Can I get your keys!?" and I said "Oh my god, I am getting old, I have never heard Uncle Scott call me something other than Nikki before in my entire life!"  

A great week....to be repeated again super super soon.

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1 comment:

  1. Okay, us at the grocery store was hysterical. "Wait, do you think we'll need more buns?" hahaha hostesses we are not! what a great day with the family too, and us lounging and sleeping in. i had so much fun and the photos of the boys are just incredible, i am so excited to get some framed!
