Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week recap....

This has been a super busy week! I'm so lame during the week, I usually sit at home and watch my shows.  This week I stayed out....

Tuesday I took short stuff to Opry Mills theater (you know, his "second home") to see Smurfs 2.  Seriously cute movie--- I love all the old stuff coming back! As we sat there before the movie, Kadin goes "Aunt Nicole, have you ever watched the old Smurfs?" and I said "Dude, that was on TV when your mom and I were little" --- and his eyes got so huge and he said "REALLY?!" - I love this kid. Guess it's time to dig the Smurfette pillow from the 80's out of my closet - it was my sisters, and we found it at my Granny's house when she passed away, so I brought it home. Kadin will totally freak.

I'm hearing they are doing a Smurfs 3 -- I kinda hope they stop with 2. There's only so many storylines they can fit in a 2 hour movie.

I say it all the time, but I could just eat this boy up. Cutest boy ever. 

Wednesday, Samantha, Paige & I went to see "We're the Millers" - critics can say whatever they want about this movie, but it was BEYOND hysterical, we laughed so hard we cried. Not to mention, I love love love me some Jason Sudeikis. It's totally worth seeing. And stay for the outtakes in the credits, especially if you loved watching Friends ;)

Zanies was on the schedule twice this week - Thursday for Victoria Jackson, Saturday for Bobcat Goldthwait! Both were absolutely hysterical. Larry had never been to Zanies and always wanted to go, so he & I went for Victoria, and then Mom & Sis came along for Bobcat.

Victoria was so hilarious -- and thankfully, left out most of her politics in her stand up routine. She did so many of her SNL skits, and sang some hilarious songs she wrote -- pretty perfect for Nashville. And coincidentally, she wrote a song about Nashville too. (Which had a perfect line about "that show Nashville" messing some places up for the locals hahaha)

I was super excited to see Bobcat - he has made some hilarious movies! While a lot of people mention Police Academy when they bring up his film, my personal favorite that I will forever associate him with is Burglar! Seriously, if you've never seen Burglar with Whoopi Goldberg, run out and get it - he steals every scene he's in! He didn't let us down in his standup routine - he was on for about an hour and a half, and there were so many people that were in tears from laughing so hard. 

with my sissy before the show!

After such a busy week, I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday! Soooo here's a little Sunday Social!

Sunday Social
1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I totally wanted to be a Country Singer, I was absolutely positive I was going to be just like PL. 

2. What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid?
Usually in my room, listening to music, or taking a bike ride. 

3. When did you get your first cell phone?
When I was 16. I had a pager before that, and after I turned 16 and got a car, I had an accident not too terribly long after. My parents got me a phone immediately following my car accident.

4. What is your favorite magazine to read?

5. What is the one random object people would be surprised to find in your purse?
If you don't know me - my camera & extra lenses, and a lens for my iPhone. If you know me tthough, you wouldn't be surprised by that :P 

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  1. Luckyyyy....u had a pager! LOL! Super jealous!


  2. i love burglar! man the 80s were awesome!
