Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday Ramblings...

Happy Friday! I took a day for me sleep in, to be lazy - er sorta.  I woke up at 8:00. What kind of sleep in is that? Compared to my normal 5:30 during the week, sure, but....why is it when I PLAN to sleep in, I still am up too early for my liking?! I literally forced myself to lay back down to sleep another hour & a half...before getting my lazy butt up and running around town trying to get every errand run before the bestie gets in town tomorrow for her birthday! I came home and thought "Hey, this might be a great time to clean!" which I did -- the entire house. Top to bottom, scrubbing floors - I'm pretty sure this is the cleanest this house has ever been.

In cleaning, I decided it was finally time to take an AC unit out of the window. When I went to to do this, the window wouldn't budge. We discovered it's stuck because of the end of last winter, when my landlord randomly had the windows painted.  Of course, we didn't discover this until one of the window panels shattered in my hand. 

WTF am I supposed to do with this!? Sigh. I cleaned up my hand and thought about figuring out how to get the glass out from that broken panel and the panel behind it that's still intact, but in the end the southern girl in me came out, and I decided plastic and tape was the way to go and the landlord could fix it. (And thanks to my constant online shopping, I actually had plastic that would fit it! See, I knew all my orders from NY&CO would come in handy one day!)

So I know Christmas isn't here yet, and I AM looking forward to it, but I'm kind of already trying to plan what to do for New Years Eve! I HAVE to work this year, which is a bummer. Fortunately, I only work until 4pm, which gives me time to go home and get ready. We just don't know WHAT to do. I'm not doing the lame Nashville guitar drop (who the hell thought of this?  And has anyone watched how they portray Nashville on CNN on NYE at the guitar drop? It looks like it's straight out of a Jeff Foxworthy video), so that's out. My fellow Nashville or Kentucky folks, email me some great suggestions! (Because as everyone knows, I am always up for a good trip to Kentucky!)

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