Sunday, November 11, 2012

November Thanks catch up!

Yes, I am CRAZY behind on this. I promise it's not just for being a crappy blogger! Last week my Macbook hard drive decided to totally crash out of nowhere. A few days of stress and shelling out some $$$ later, I'm totally back up! Shout out to the crazy awesome Geek Squad at Best Buy in Brentwood --- who totally fixed everything without charging me a dime except the part, and Capital City Computers for making it so easy for me to grab a disc for Snow Leopard! (I sure love Apple products, but seriously, could they make it ANY MORE DIFFICULT to get to the OS you want!?)

And I am TOTALLY catching up! I'll break it into today and tomorrow to spare you all of boredom.

Day 5:
I don't know where I'd be without my best friend, Rita. This girl is my rock that is there for me anytime I need her, without question. When I need to vent, she's the first one I pull up on my phone. This year I learned quite a bit about "friends", and she sure showed me why she's my bestie. I love this girl! She moved  closer to Atlanta a little awhile back, but moved back to the TN/GA border last December - which means she's back to only being 2 hours away from me!

The best friend a girl could ask for!

All dolled up for Patty's KY HOF induction!

Oh, our memories from Strikers in Chattanooga.....

Day 6:
When "thankful" comes to mind, my brother in law definitely pops up. My brother in law has saved my butt more times than I can count. I've never once paid for labor on my vehicles, because he takes care of everything. When I pull in my sisters driveway, I can say "the car made a funny noise", and John is outside inspecting every detail of my car to ensure I'm not driving an unsafe vehicle.

Celebrating my birthday with my bro in law & sis! 

Day 7:
What would this list be like without my twin cousin? My cousin Emily is definitely one of my best friends, and has really been more like a little sister throughout my life. We've fought like sisters and had each others backs like sisters our entire lives. I have so so so many memories with Emily from our serious Barbie playing, our Cricket & Magic Nursery Doll playing  -- I mean, I had the Magic Nursery doll and she had the Cricket doll, but our sharing skills were so bad ass, that we never hesitated to hand them over. Em's sharing skills were put the test when part of my house burned down as a kid and we stayed with my Aunt & Uncle for a little bit, and even at 6 years old, I never even realized some of my toys were gone, because Emily shared all of hers with me. And of course, the memory that stands out in all of our families minds is us singing "Material Girl" at karaoke at the Family Reunion. Love this girl!

Me & Em....rocking my Fievel Pajamas (come on now, he was SERIOUS BUSINESS.), while Emily rocks footie pajamas and pearls.

Tearing up Material Girl. Again, our fashion sense is cutting edge. I mean, please note my incredible Minnie Mouse dress. Meanwhile, Emily's  hair is crimped and mine is not - my mom didn't know how to do my hair. Hence why I continuously jumped at the chance to have my aunts do my hair! 

During a time when Em moved to Nashville for a short bit! 

My favorite picture of us, at Disneyland on Thanksgiving 2011!

And, I'll finish catching up tomorrow! :)

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