Thursday, November 15, 2012

What a week!

Sigh, I swear this isn’t my week. What did I just say in my last entry about my brother in law rocking at fixing my car? You know what he is doing again? Fixing my car! I mean, seriously, I just paid this car off not long ago, I guess it’s figuring I don’t have to make a payment on it, might as well have something go wrong to cause me to spend something on it. The first week in November he replaced the alternator. This week he replaced the Water pump. I swear, I'm about to go buy another car.

My sister and I swapped vehicles this week again so he could have time to fix my car. My car is so tiny compared to their big truck…and I’ve been parking in the back garage since the weather is crazy cold! Frost on the windshield? No thanks. Yesterday morning was very Cher in “Clueless” – in backing out, I ran over my neighbors flower fence! My bad.

Next week is Thanksgiving, and I’m so stoked! Wednesday night I’ll crash at my sister’s house so we can drink, watch movies and of course, start planning for shopping! Of course, I don’t know how much more we could plan – we’ve made lists of what we want, and mapped out where we are going. Since stores are opening up on Thanksgiving night, we will be parked at Target at 8! And yes, I know how commercial they make Christmas these days, but quite frankly, my sister and I have FUN on Black Friday shopping. Not to mention, Kadin’s Christmas list this year is expeeeeensive.

I said I’d catch up on November Thanks, so here I go:

Day 8:
While it’s a pain in the butt when something goes wrong, I am super thankful for my vehicle! I remember a time when I didn’t have a reliable one and wasn’t in the place to have car payments, and that has certainly changed. I love my little car, and not only does it get me from Point A to Point B, it rocks on the gas mileage!

Day 9:
This sounds incredibly silly to read, I know, but I am so thankful for my iPhone. Seriously, technology is incredible. And not only am I constantly in touch with everyone because of the phone that is glued to my hands, I can have a picture of my niece & nephew in my hands in an instant. I can show them off in an instant. Gone are the days where you have to carry a brag book – just get out my phone, more than half the pictures I’ve taken on there are of those kids! (Not to mention, how many outfits has this helped me buy? A quick picture in a dressing room to text my sister, BFF, and twin cousin, and voila, they’ve convinced me the outfit looks amazing and I should buy it in mere seconds!) Steve Jobs has made me life a lot easier (because I am also a Macbook girl, and I have convinced myself I cannot live without it either!)

Day 10:
Today I am ridiculously thankful to have a garage, which enabled me to NOT stand out in the cold all morning scraping off the windshield. I don’t have time for that in the morning, and all it’s going to do is make me grumpy. Hooray for starting the day off in a much much better mood, all thanks to my garage!

Day 11:
With the economy we’re in today, I am thankful to have a job! Not just any job, but a job I enjoy. A job that lets me do my photography and design on the side, and lets me work from home some each week. After 7 years at this place, I’ve met wonderful people and have great friends at the office. We’ve been bought out and going through patches of layoffs, and somehow I’ve survived each one.

Day 12:
In a rather simple one, every year I that summer rolls around, I am reminded how thankful I am for the sunshine and hot weather. I cannot freaking stand the winter. CANNOT STAND it. I hate being cold, and it puts me in a foul mood. When that sun starts to come out and the weather warms up, and I can throw the boots aside for my beloved flip flops, I am a happy, happy girl.

Day 13:
Since it has officially kicked off….I am thankful for my UK BASKETBALL SEASON! Football season is killing me. Finally, it’s time for my boys to kick some butt. These games stress me out and make me cuss like a sailor (okay, okay, I’m always cuss like a sailor), but…..I am so freaking glad to have them back!

Day 14:
There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not thankful that P came into my life. Her music has saved me more times than I can count, through so many times. I loved her so much as a child, and I wanted to be just like her. At times, I find it hard to put into words what she’s truly done for me, but it’s been a lot, and I could probably never thank her enough! If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have met so many of my wonderful friends, and I sure wouldn’t have found my independence at such an early age – I probably would have hesitated jumping in the car and drive hundreds of miles by myself if it weren’t for a show at the end of the line! Love this girl.

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