Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Thanks, Days 3 & 4

Before I start talking about Days 3 & 4, I must say the big news of the day:

Kentucky fired Joker Phillips! After 8 consecutive losses, I was so happy to hear the news. I'll be the first to admit, UK isn't known for it's football. I love my Wildcats, but I can admit football isn't where it's at (oh how I love BASKETBALL SEASON!)....but this year was just dreadful and disappointing. Here's to getting better!

And now, moving on....

Day 3:
I am so thankful for my beautiful niece, Paige & my adorable nephew Kadin! I cannot remember what life was like before they arrived. Paige was born when I was in high school, and we kept her during the week while my sister worked, and then I babysat two nights a week. I was practically glued to the child, and I loved it. And when Kadin arrived 4 years later, I was in the delivery room and one of the first people to hold him. (My mom totally brags about how she was the first one to ever hold I was DETERMINED to hold Kadin before my mom! My sister was sure to have him given to me before Mom to please me hahaha).  I moved to NC and GA for a short 8 month stint when Kadin was little,  but the four hour distance from them drove me nuts, and I was back in Nashville for good. Obviously, the best move I've ever made. I eat up the "best aunt ever" role, and live for spoiling them.

Everyone always says you don't really know what love is like until you have your own children, and I disagree -- because I love those kids more than anything in the world, and they come before everything.

Paige scoping out her new baby brother

with my sweet girl (and that ridiculous blonde hair!)

With my sweet boy, rocking his "My Aunt Loves Me" outfit the day I picked them up to come home from the hospital!

And one sweet one I had to throw in...I walked into the bedroom on Christmas 2008 and saw this on my sweet boy's computer... "I Love Denise and Nicole". Clearly, Granny & Aunt Nicole are awesome!

And my babies now!

Day 4:
I am thankful for my great Mom! She says we've stuck by her even when she's pulled some crazy stunts, and it's true....there've been times where my sister & I wanted to tear our hair out because of her :-)  However, through everything, even when she moved to Ohio, then to Florida - she never missed a birthday or holiday with us. (It is super important to us to be with the kids on Christmas Morning!)

And, mom got her love for Country Music from my Granny, and passed it onto me :-) I was the one that she always pulled out of school early to go to concerts and TV tapings, and always camped out with her overnight to get into Fan Fair! Great memories to have, that we still talk about!! 

(And according to my Verizon Bill, I talk to my sister and Mom like crazy :-) )

Granny, Sam, Me & Mom

with Mom on Mother's Day 2011! 

And shock surprise - Mom & I at a concert! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I love all of these people too!! Your niece
    And nephew are adorable and always make me smile and your mom is the sweetest. It's so funny to me she's not the blood relative because I love her dearly and would swear we are related <3
