Thursday, November 15, 2012

November Thanks, Day 15!

Today I'm thankful for the simple things -- which sounds odd to say, but I'm sitting here going over my nephew's Christmas list, and I'm so tickled he still writes these out. The small simple things - his Christmas lists, the letters the kids have written us - I still dig out Paige's to look back on. They are so fabulous to have. When Granny passed a couple years ago, we found so many letters that we had written her--- all the artwork we'd ever made her. She kept it all, and 20+ years later we were able to read them. I cherish every little thing the kids make me.

And, since I'm on the subject, check out little man's Christmas list!

He makes me laugh....some of this stuff he will never even play with, just random things he's found at the store and decided to add. Fortunately, we know the most important ones to get : ) I cannot wait to see his face Christmas morning! And since I already know what I'm getting Paige, I know the look on her face will be priceless too -- they get so much harder to shop for the older they get, but I have some fabulous ideas for Paige this year. I love watching them Christmas morning.....

Hopefully this year we don't have to wake THEM up though --- who would have thought we would have to wake the kids up for Christmas morning!? When I was a kid, I was WAITING -- I'd get up multiple times, sneak out, get my sister, and we'd go through our stockings before our parents got up, and then put it all back in so Mom didn't know. 

I'll give Kadin credit though - we did catch him last year setting the alarm for 5am. We nixed that as soon as he fell asleep :P

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