Sunday, February 2, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club

I really should have some sort of stock in a movie theater....I don't think we've gone a week without going to see a new movie in a loooong time.

Friday night, the girls & I went out to see "Labor Day" with Josh Brolin & Kate Winslet. I'm such a sucker for sappy love movies, but this one didn't do it for me. It was good - but it moved so slow. I wanted it to be better than it was.

Saturday after taking advantage of a GORGEOUS day -- 61 degrees meant I was able to have an amazing session in the morning & a nice jog at the park -- Larry, Christian & I decided to go grab dinner & a movie.

Oh, and because I'm, you know, a Starbucks addict, Christian and I also made a quick stop....and snuck in all the important stuff into the movies.

(By the way, fellow photos, the Kelly Moore Mimi bag not only successfully carries my gear & every day stuff -- it carries a Venti Starbucks!) 

We went to see "Dallas Buyers Club" with Matthew McConaughey & Jared Leto. Wow. If you haven't seen this movie - you MUST. This movie is brilliant work, by all involved.

I went into the movie knowing they had dropped a significant amount of weight to play AIDS patients, and that was really it. What a story they told. McConaughey plays Ron Woodruff, a guy who is beyond homophobic & contracts HIV - and of course doesn't believe it, since he insists he only has sex with women. It's not until he does a little research and flashes back to having unprotected sex with a woman, a drug addict sharing needles, that he truly believes that his diagnosis is true. His 30 days to live diagnosis immediately prompts him to take matters into his own hands, and not trust what doctors tell him - or try to treat him with.  The intro to the situation really makes him look like a total ass you don't want to root for. 

The story delves into his desire to get his hands on un-approved drugs claimed to help those diagnosed with HIV. This launches him to start a business to help others with HIV - including Jared Leto, a cross dresser who was utterly & completely unrecognizable -- not only because of the cross dressing, but because of the significant amount of weight he lost for the role.

I can usually tell how good a movie was based on how much we talk about it in the car on the way home -- we could not stop discussing this one.  It's out on DVD on Tuesday, and it's worth the trip to your Redbox to see it! 

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