Thursday, February 20, 2014

"None of your business" category...

It's been a "lets dodge tornados!" kind of night in Nashville. Which basically translates into Nicole spent an hour in her closet tonight painting her nails to the glow of an iPad because the power was out while sipping on vodka watching "Scandal" while the sirens went off. Just another night in the south....

So, in todays ramblings....

On Facebook recently,  I saw a status from a friend that said she was going to post a gross pregnancy fact for the rest of the duration of her pregnancy just to piss off her “self-absorbed child-hating hipster friends”. (and every bit of that is verbatim) In more comments, she connected “child-less” people with “self-absorbed child-hating” people, and was extremely agitated that anyone that “could bear children would choose not to”, asking me 20 questions about if I could have kids, why wouldn't I want to have them, and every thing under the sun you can imagine. She concluded it with “Let the un-friending begin!” Um, no problem, I'm gonna help you out with that. 

Look: I love babies and kids. I wasn’t a Nanny & a Preschool Teacher previously for no reason – I LOVED every moment with those babies. I’m great with kids. And to this day, I still see some of those kids I had in my class, I love seeing them grow up.  But real talk here: I’ve been SUPER adamant for YEARS about not wanting children. I love my friends kids. I love my niece & nephew more than life itself. But I do not need, nor do I want, my own kids. Contrary to what folks think- women are not obligated to have children.

Also, when the hell did it become okay to ask women about their reproductive system? I mean, am I supposed to be flattered that you spend so much time caring what I do with my body? I don’t know when manners flew completely out the window, but this stuff is not cool. The fact is: I don’t want kids because I don’t want them & the fact that anyone thinks I owe them an explanation is mind-boggling. And then there’s the “OHH you’re going to change your mind. Just you wait, you’ll change your mind!”. Actually, no I won’t, but thanks for putting your nose into business that doesn’t concern you! 

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