Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Clothes, Clothes, Clothes...

It's only Tuesday, and I'm already so ready for the end of the week to get here. I've got a hot date Friday night with the little man....is there anything cuter then the nephew being my Valentine? No, there isn't. LOVE.THAT.BOY.

My day looked something like this:

Mom had surgery this morning, so it was a morning of getting up at 3am. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck.  The horrors of getting up that early means Starbucks is not open yet! As I drove past the one closest to my mom's as I picked her up, I was so so sad it was only 4:30. However, my mom & I are pretty awesome - and she was ready when I arrived early, which means we had time to go by the one closest to the hospital. The first customers, I was oh so happy to pull up to the window....until I heard "Our registers are not functioning properly quite yet".  The barista must have sensed my desperation & said "So I'm just going to let you have your latte, I hope you have a great day!" 

yes folks, my Starbucks addiction is ridiculous. I choose vanilla soy lattes over food sometimes. Don't judge me. 

Mom is doing great & her surgery went fabulously - thanks to all my amazing friends who called, emailed, text to check on her & see if we needed anything. I came home a bit ago to try & get some sleep (and thaw out, I'm pretty sure it was 2 degrees in her room), and her boyfriend will be with her for the night, while my sister gets Mama duty tomorrow. 

This meant I had a LOT of time on my hands this morning in waiting rooms. Which translates into after I watched shows - I did a lot of pinterest perusing, namely for clothes. Why, you ask? Because what finally happened last week? George Strait tickets, that's what! My excitement for this show is through the roof -- I am so so so excited we get to see his final tour! The bestie & I are always into getting new outfits, but we decided it was imperative for this! Enter pinterest...(thanks to the twin cousin.."Maybe we should pin some options, I feel like I need to be involved in this decision" - what would I do without the bestie & the twin cousin?!)

Anyway, I'm digging these inspirations or color schemes, now it's time to go do a little shopping!

....except I'm 99% sure I won't be rocking heels this show....I DO want to see Strait, not kill myself walking into the show. We do remember how accident prone I am! 

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