Wednesday, February 5, 2014

'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black....

As a 18 year resident, I'm not one for all the touristy stuff in Nashville anymore. However, country music is one of my first loves -- and not that crap that's on radio today, the classic stuff that  will break your heart. So, I'm a frequent visitor to places like the Country Music Hall of Fame....places that help preserve the history of Country Music.

One of the new attractions that has been added to my frequently visited list is the Johnny Cash museum. Today, after a particularly stressful day, I decided to head back to the Cash museum to explore a little more. I know I've mentioned it before briefly, but this place is so so well put together. I swear I find something new every time I visit. It's seriously one of the greatest gems we have in town, and I could probably go every day if I had the time!

The memorabilia is really amazing. I know I've posted the big stuff like photos of his Grammy's or CMA's, but there is so much more than that at the museum.

This greets you when you walk in the museum, and I cannot think of anything more fitting.

The vinyl nerd in me goes crazy over the two walls of records they have up. It's incredible. What I wouldn't give to be able to listen to every single one of those.

And in my infamous "Where I Stand...." -- under one of my fave Cash records! Not only do I have this one hanging in my kitchen & listen to it frequently - PL has this record on the cover of Sleepless Nights!

These posters are all so amazing -- all this stuff from way before my time that I'd never have been able to see if it weren't for the museum.

Serious Country Music history right here....I read every line like I didn't know the lyrics to the song. 

And if this doesn't break your heart, I don't know what will...what Cash wrote after June's burial.

By the time I left, I forgot what I was stressed out about when I walked in.... I love Nashville.

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