Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Social!

I really wanted to brag on my sleeping in skills again, but....being up at 8:30 am isn't exactly sleeping in. Especially when we didn't get to sleep until 3 am. I need to get some client editing in today, but.... Sigh - I see a nap in my future. But that comes later - first is brunch with the girls, because there's nothing better than Hot Chicken & Waffles from Hattie B's! We know how to do brunch right in the south!

1. What is your favorite breakfast food?
I could eat breakfast food every day, all day. I love alllll breakfast food, but I'm a sucker for some really amazing waffles or french toast! I also have a mad love for hashbrown casserole, but I'm super allergic to onions, so I can't always have it :( As much as I love it, my throat closing up ranks pretty high on the "things I don't enjoy" list. 

2. What is the best way to spend a free day?
It depends on the weather ; ) If it's a nice day, I might want to go shoot some photos. But if I'm being lazy at home, it's usually going to be spent with my iPad & Netflix! 

3. If you had an airline ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Venice, Italy! 

4. You can only leave the house with one thing...what is it?
my iPhone. It's really ridiculous how obsessed I am with it. 

5. How do you take your coffee?
Latte style ;) I go to Starbucks usually every day and get a Soy Latte with 5 pumps of sugar free vanilla. (yeah, I'm one of those jerks that has specific amount of pumps & all that!) 

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  1. Breakfast food is awesome. I have only had chicken and waffles a couple of times but it is a great combo!


  2. I love that you like to sleep in and/or nap. I'm the worst sleeper ever-at night! I've got 2 little guys, so it's not easy. Last night I was literally awake ALL NIGHT! Thank goodness I have an amazing husband-I slept from
    8am-5pm! Luckily that doesn't happen too often!
