Tuesday, December 10, 2013

life is made up of moments....

I feel like I say this every year: It is SO incredibly easy to have photographer burnout every  Christmas season. This year might be the absolute worst I've had it.  I've been so bombarded with client work. The past few weeks I took a nice little break, and now I'm absolutely swimming in client orders. And it seems like Christmas makes so many people go....crazy, some of the calls & emails I've gotten recently have made me literally want to tear my hair out.

This week in particular, I dealt with a few less than pleasant folks & literally wanted to walk outside and start screaming. It's moments like this that make me not enjoy what I do -- and THAT is the worst feeling in the world. And I don't think I've ever felt it as strongly as I did this week.  Every year I say I'm going to make changes the following year so it doesn't happen again, but I've never meant it as much as I did today! (and I really am going to start shooting more for "me" next year!)

Thankfully, one of my very favorite clients text me shortly thereafter to schedule her gender reveal session. It couldn't have come at a better time. I shot this sweet couple's engagement photos, their wedding, anniversary, and now the fun of having their first child. Every big moment in their lives --- she's turned to me to capture it. And THAT reminded me of why I love doing what I do.

I hate to go full nerd on everyone and quote my show, but on Once Upon a Time this week, Charming & Snow both used the line about "Life is made up of moments, good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living." and I absolutely loved it, because it's so true - and I live for capturing those moments. And with that....favorite shots from this year that I took for ME, that renewed my love for being behind the lens - for every moment, big or small. Images I can look at and immediately be back in the exact incredible moment I was in when I took it.

It's no secret P was a huge inspiration in everything I wanted to do. I discovered my love of design from starting the website, and I learned my love for photography from all the shooting I did at shows. I am convinced my absolute best work happens when I'm taking pictures of her- maybe it has something to do with having spent so much of my life at her concerts.  I love this picture, especially since I'm so obsessed with black & white. 

This one time, for my 30th birthday, the bestie & I went to see Merle Haggard & Loretta Lynn in the same weekend. Most amazing weekend ever. And the moment I look at this picture, I'm taken back to moments like us singing along to "Mama Tried"....you know, with Merle-freaking-Haggard standing in front of us. (PS: I really really really love Merle Haggard) 

I love my babies more than life itself. And how grossed out Kadin is that I asked his sisters to kiss his cheek (yet he can't stop laughing about it!) makes me smile every time I look at this. 

I love baby toes. There's nothing happier than baby toes. Especially when they belong to one of my new baby cousins that is one of the happiest, sweetest babies I've ever seen in my life. 

My 4th of July was full of Bourbon, in my beloved Lexington, with my bestie. What better way to celebrate Independence Day than doing the Kentucky Bourbon Trail? This helps sum up my entire year--- usually on the road with my bestie & Chris.

My nephew, ever the inquisitive one since Granny passed away, asked me out of the blue in the car one day what I thought angels might sound like, and without a single thought, "Emmylou Harris" is what came out of my mouth. I'm pretty sure I'm right.

The bestie & I saw Don Williams(!!!) this year - an artist that was on my "Concert Bucket List"! I completely fan-girled when I heard "Lord I Hope This Day is Good" live. Hello, one of the greatest songs ever written.

This is just one of my favorites.  As I mentioned, Liz Lamoreux's blog of Capturing Where I Stand inspired me to start shooting where I stood. Standing toe to toe with Johnny Cash's boots might be one of the highlights of my year. And capturing where I stand will be prominent in my 2014.

Mango Margaritas on the beach. Because is there a better way to spend Memorial Day weekend than in Pensacola with your best friend, drinking while having an epic Loretta Lynn sing-a-long on the beach? 

And a client shot that was one of my faves from the year --- from the aforementioned client who helped put some things in perspective!

I'm glad 2013 is almost over...my camera is going to stay busy! So many trips & concerts in the works...(unless P decides to do a few shows. Then it's "cancel all things!!!" and go see P!) I think I might be away even more next year than I was this year! (How is that possible!?) Here's to 2014! 
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  1. I love your work, and even though your client work is incredible, what you shoot for yourself is even better. Glad you started doing more of that. Maybe that calls for a road trip!?

    And no one, absolutely no one, takes Patty pics like you!

    1. Road Trips, FTW! I've gotta do East KY soon again, I've got some ideas.

      :) Thanks love!
