Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ICE! at Opryland

Saturday was my "date day" with Kadin. We went to Ice! at Opryland. He was SO excited when I took him last year, he messaged me the day it opened this year to let me know -- so I figured I better take him sooner rather than later or I'd hear about it the entire month of December!

This years theme was Frosty the Snowman, and then at the end a tribute to New York City (which was pretty random, but whatever). I think the cutest part of it all, however, was Kadin's reaction. Reminder, I took the kids to see "Frozen" on Weds night, in which one of the characters, Elsa -- is the Snow Queen, and has powers that turn things to ice/snow. When you first arrive to ICE, they take you to a room to watch a really brief video of the background of the entire thing. As soon as they got to the part about where they get all the ice from, Kadin looked at me so incredulously and said "What the heck? Elsa the Snow Queen obviously is what brought the ice here....DUH!"

At the end, they had a nod to New York City - not sure why, but it was short, sweet &  nicely done. Kadin loved the ice taxi the kids could climb in and pretend to drive!

It was well done again this year - although it should be considering it cost $55 for an adult & child to get in!

Afterwards, I decided we would go get a treat. He couldn't come up with a place he wanted to go for dessert, so I thought heading to Elliston Place Soda Shop was a great idea. I've been going here for years.....there are two really fab ice cream shops to hit if you're in Nashville: Elliston Place & Bobbie's Dairy Dip. Bobbie's is really out of this world, but it's a summer shop. So, we headed to the soda shop. For ice cream in December.

with my little Mr.Handsome

you can never go wrong with a cherry soda. 

Kadin ordered a milkshake, and they brought the shaker over along with his glass, which he thought was the greatest thing on the earth. When he poured the rest of it in his glass, he informed me he was in heaven. I can't think of a better date to be on that with this little man. 

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