Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lazy Sunday....

Happy Sunday!! It's so gross and cold out, I do believe today will be a day in watching movies until my show comes on - I swear I spend my weeks anxiously waiting for Once Upon a Time & Scandal -- how bored are my nights going to be in January & February?! ;) I would say I'm not leaving the house today, but.....everyone knows there's no way I could stand a day without Starbucks!

I don't know where the hell this year has gone -- how in the hell is it almost Christmas already??! However, I do know that in 11 days, I am reunited with my twin cousin! And not only reunited, hitting our Family Reunion together! We haven't done that in YEARS.

(And I sit here & watch "Beaches" without her, I miss her even more!) I am so so excited for the 19th to get here! We finished putting together the tattoo we're getting, and I may or may not have started if we could speed things up, that would be great! I know Ohio is anxious to witness us obnoxiously sing Dixie Chicks in the car together. This is the third time I've seen her this year, which is a fabulous streak for us! I do think the greatest part of our relationship is every time we're together, it's like no time has passed since we last saw each other. 

Sunday Social

I haven't done Sunday Social in a while, goes!

1. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
A pic of me standing at the Johnny Cash museum.  Awhile back I read Liz Lamoreux blog entry: Why Do I Take Pictures of Where I Stand? After reading the blog, I bought her book.....and it was a great inspiration for when I'm behind the camera (or my iPhone!) to start shooting for me again. I started shooting more portraits of where I was at moments. The vintage country music nerd in me completely geeked out at his boots, and this picture was one of my faves I've ever taken. 

2. What do you keep beside your bed?
Glasses, usually the book I'm currently reading & my iPad

3. What is your least favorite chore? 
Cleaning the shower. I guess if I wore a mask and didn't inhale the chemicals, I wouldn't hate it as much.
4. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
It takes me forever to get ready. Can I just have a magic wand that will fix my hair & makeup for me so I can eliminate all that time I spend on it & sleep longer?
5. What do you do to vent anger?
I was going to say I usually text my sis, bestie or cousin, but also-- I cry. Total frustration crying.

6. What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?
Christmas, because the kids are so much fun. It's also the holiday I have never ever been away from my sister. 

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  1. i love that....taking pictures of where you are in the moment...and that means more than just the literal. I think I forget to do that because I'm just taking pictures of the kids :) but I try to do it more....selfie!!
    I saw that you went to Ice! we went to it here in DC. The theme was "Twas the Night Before Christmas". I like the frosty in yours though. way cool!

  2. Oh I love your wallpaper!! Such a clever photo!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :) xx
