Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! The kids racked up on the presents & were happy, Kadin was over the MOON at his WWE playset (and still keeps thanking me for it), my mom got me the Johnny Cash book I've been wanting & we saw Anchorman 2 -- successful Christmas day!

And in probably the sweetest, cutest thing you've ever seen in your life...
Kadin made lego presents for Mom & myself. He was SO proud of his creation, wrapped them in tissue paper, and wrote on the tissue paper, and put them under the tree. He was so excited he couldn't wait until Christmas Day for us to open them, we had to open them Christmas Eve. But he didn't stop at us. He made a lego present for Granny, and stuck it by her urn. It never left that spot. I love this sweet boy.

In important things this week....

I have created a monster! He watched the game with me, and couldn't have been any cuter. Everytime I'd shout, he'd shout. Every time I stood up, he stood up. Every few minutes he'd clap his hands and go "WOO, LET'S GO KENTUCKY!" I'm so proud. 

But, let's take a minute to reflect:

Boom, GO CATS! 

I'm heading to Kentucky to spend New Years with the bestie & Metcalf - because what is more fitting than ringing in the New Year in one of my favorite places, with two of my favorite people, while we sing our favorite songs? Nothing. 

I just bought Dolly Parton tickets, and one of our first concerts in 2014 is George Strait, so I'd say we're off to a great start! 

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Family Tradition...

Merry Christmas Eve! I love Christmas Eve --- or I guess the eve of any holiday, since the kids make it so much fun. Kadin is ready for Santa -and I suppose we are too!

Before I forget, though....a little recap from the rest of my Ohio Trip, since I know some of the fam has been looking for some photos. I've not even finished going through everything I took on my camera - so time consuming! I'm so glad to have an entire free week next week (minus New Years Eve of course! ;) ) to get a few things done! Anyway, I can't think of a better night than Christmas Eve to recap!

Naturally, it was a priority to visit the cemetery to stop at the grandparents graves while I was there, so we decided to do that before the reunion.  I picked up the Daisy Duck for Granny before heading over because it was so "her".... I know I've said this before, but it's really never going to feel right having to go here to see her. I think I expected this trip to be easier, and it was not even remotely easier. It was hard to visit her here, and it was hard to go by her apartment. Maybe one day it really will be easier.

Have you seen enough of us yet?! 

We ended up going late to our reunion -- mainly because we stopped back at the house to get ready & got tied up catching up with the Aunt & Uncle --- who were both too sick to come with us. But after we got ready & were about to walk out the door, we had a total prom moment when Aunt Faye went "Wait, let me take a picture of you before you girls leave!!"

said picture

Going to my reunion was deja vu to my childhood. Lord have mercy, some things never change -- this reunion & venue included. It was so fabulous to see so many aunts, uncles, cousins that I don't get the chance to see quite as often as my twin cousin & that fam!

A little picspam from the reunion...

Straight up brag here, folks - my aunt is better than yours and makes better buckeyes than you ever will. I almost begged for these & this gem of a bag was sitting on the table waiting for me when we arrived! 

I was so amused my Uncle John was handling our Chinese Auction -- because he was the person doing it at my LAST reunion, 16 years ago! He hasn't done it in awhile, so how funny he was doing it the year I showed up!

a blurry shot with my Uncle Larry, who I not only had not seen in 16 years, but really haven't talked to!

the photo nerd in me of course loved scoping out all the old pics. we loved this one of my grandfather with his twin sister!

my fave of the night....4 of the cousins all together finally! 


with my Uncle John

the candy scramble for the elderly is probably one of the cutest things you'll ever see in your life. (i haven't pulled off photos from my camera from the kid candy scramble, but....major deja vu to childhood right there!)

Another great pic that had my Grandfather (and some siblings) in it!

And not from my reunion, but the following day, I flew home. It was a lounge around day until we went to get some margaritas before hitting the airport. As we got ready, we turned around....and we were wearing practically the same thing. Totally, completely unplanned.

seriously. we read each others minds and it's scary sometimes.

Such a great trip, and I miss the fam -- especially the twin cousin -- already! Em & I have four trips planned next year, including another epic Disney adventure on Thanksgiving, and we truly do not go a day without talking -- but I still miss her face! I know I've said it a million times, but everyone should be so lucky to have a cousin that is one of their best friends and has been there throughout their entire life. 

And with that....Merry Christmas to all! 

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Reunited & it feels so good!

How on earth is it already almost Christmas?! I had to finish my shopping today. I'm actually usually done WAY sooner than now, but a couple broken packages awaited me when I returned from Ohio! It was a rush to the store today to find something to replace the gifts with...bummer! I am super excited -- as is my nephew, who text me every single day I was gone to find out when I was coming home. Clearly, I will never ever be able to be away for Christmas Eve/Morning, because this child nearly had a heart attack just at me not being home until December 22nd!

Anyway - I just got home from a fabulous trip to Ohio to see the twin cousin & hit my family reunion. One of Em's tweets Friday morning was "Had the best night ever with @paintedclouds . The shenanigans continue!!!" - which is obviously an indication of a pretty epic installment in the Emily & Nicole adventures.

First off though -- I amused everyone on my plane that DID live in Cleveland when we were landing as I loudly shouted, "IS THAT SNOW?!?" I was informed this was nothing compared to what they had, and this was all just the very last that was melting -- but I promise it was more than I've seen since probably the last time I was in Ohio in the winter! This is what happens when you take a girl away from the North & raise her in Florida & Tennessee. "You definitely aren't a Cleveland girl, are you?!" was what the guy behind me asked. When I answered "No sir, I'm a Tennessean", he laughed and said "You ARE from Tennessee, you even just called me sir!" (And just so everyone knows, I DID go out and play in the snow. Kind of. I made a snow man & then ran away yelling it was gross and cold. A for effort!)

Moving on --- Em and I had another amazing airport reunion.  You know, the jerks that you want to shout at for holding up the pick-up lane because we're too busy squealing, screaming & hugging. (OKAY and maybe taking selfies!)

this was the "we look terrible, we haven't gotten ready yet, but WE'RE AT THE AIRPORT AND REUNITED!!!" selfie.

Because Emily is the best cousin ever, we headed straight to Billy's so I could have a Cherry Kiss Martini. (Okay, after we ran to the apartment to put on makeup and all that good stuff) See, I knew I loved that girl! And it made for some great time with Kathy and Laura!

"hashtag....twin cousins!"

Love these girls!!

the "OMG we haven't taken enough pictures together tonight yet!"

so happy I got to meet Lou!!

We also filled our Thursday night with Christmas presents (my twin cousin wine glass is cooler than yours), fisher price Disney Princess figurines (Doesn't everyone give their 28 year old cousin Ariel toys for Christmas?!), and a fall down the stairs. Yeah, two guesses who the one that fell down the stairs was. On the plus, Emily got blamed for it the next day...."Hold her hand or SOMETHING Emily!" At least Aunt Faye was looking out for me!

This trip was also pretty monumental in the aspect of....Tattoos! We got new tats! We wanted the infinity logo -- but we wanted to change what a lot of families seem to do and instead of getting "family" intertwined in our logo, we wanted "Ohana". (I know, I know...we're Disney nerds!) Hanging out with Aunt Faye before we left for our tats, she asked what Ohana meant....as we explained it meant family in Hawaiian, we were met with a perplexed look and this:

"Why are you getting that, you guys aren't.....Hawaiian!"
Em: "I thought you were going to say you guys aren't even family!!"
Aunt Faye: "No, it is quite obvious you two are family!"

Hahaha, indeed we are.

We decided to head out to the Winking Lizard to grab lunch, and not only did I have the best Strawberry Margarita ever, I was massively in love with their Christmas lighting. Can every restaurant just decorate with lights indoors? Because is incredible festive & fun. Also, they have photography all over the place. 

"Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten." 

We went winery hopping after getting our tattoos, attempting to hit a few we may not have hit last time I was there! We didn't hit seven this time, but we did hit three! Two new ones, and one that I went to last time -- because it was our favorite & the iced wine is insane amazing! 

The winery owner took the pic above of us after he saw us taking a selfie. And after he took our wine & food order, he brought over a little plate of chocolate. Seriously, a plate of like Reese's. "Is this heaven??" was Emily's question. (Which was then followed by "Don't give me wine and a plate of Reese's and tell me this isn't heaven!")

And since most of you know I have to capture where I stand....here's one that doesn't happen often!

What the fresh hell is this!? Nicole is seriously in the snow!

Just another selfie in another winery. 

So much more to catch up on from my trip -- in my next post. This girl  has to get presents wrapped!!
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ahhhh, the teenage years...

Paige went to her first ball this weekend. I suppose this is where I'm supposed to insert the "OMG I feel old" line. But I don't. (And I try to never use that line anyway - it's so annoying!) Instead I just felt slightly sad that my girl is growing up, and so proud of the beautiful girl she's becoming. I see my niece every week & talk to her every day - and each day I'm reminded of why I'm so proud of her.

When I got there and started helping her with her hair, I had all these flashbacks to when she was little. All the times I'd put her in my lap and start putting pigtails in her hair. And now we're planning her Sweet 16 Party while sending her off to the Military Ball. Sigh. Time flies.

I've said it before - I treasure these what seem like small moments, but are really big moments. Quite often when I crash at my sisters, I'll be in the shower & hear the door open and hear "It's just me Aunt Nicole!" and then Paige plops down on the floor and talks boys, drama, school, worries, etc. I wouldn't give these moments up for the world. I remember the teenage days, and I didn't have an Aunt I was crazy close to & lived close to that I could run to if I ever needed her. I've always strived to be that for Paige.

So grown up & so beautiful! The dress was such a bargain, my sister found it at Ross of all places! And her bow necklace & earrings couldn't be more "Paige" - it was the perfect ensemble for her!

The girls heading out! 
And a few quick shots from my phone:

My Paige & Kadin necklace is courtesy of Creations By KJ - go check her out if you need custom jewelry! She made all my stuff -- and they couldn't be any more amazing!

And with that....Happy Wednesday y'all! I have too many Christmas presents to wrap....annnnd this girl has to go pack so I can fly out to Ohio to see my family!

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

life is made up of moments....

I feel like I say this every year: It is SO incredibly easy to have photographer burnout every  Christmas season. This year might be the absolute worst I've had it.  I've been so bombarded with client work. The past few weeks I took a nice little break, and now I'm absolutely swimming in client orders. And it seems like Christmas makes so many people go....crazy, some of the calls & emails I've gotten recently have made me literally want to tear my hair out.

This week in particular, I dealt with a few less than pleasant folks & literally wanted to walk outside and start screaming. It's moments like this that make me not enjoy what I do -- and THAT is the worst feeling in the world. And I don't think I've ever felt it as strongly as I did this week.  Every year I say I'm going to make changes the following year so it doesn't happen again, but I've never meant it as much as I did today! (and I really am going to start shooting more for "me" next year!)

Thankfully, one of my very favorite clients text me shortly thereafter to schedule her gender reveal session. It couldn't have come at a better time. I shot this sweet couple's engagement photos, their wedding, anniversary, and now the fun of having their first child. Every big moment in their lives --- she's turned to me to capture it. And THAT reminded me of why I love doing what I do.

I hate to go full nerd on everyone and quote my show, but on Once Upon a Time this week, Charming & Snow both used the line about "Life is made up of moments, good ones, bad ones, but they're all worth living." and I absolutely loved it, because it's so true - and I live for capturing those moments. And with that....favorite shots from this year that I took for ME, that renewed my love for being behind the lens - for every moment, big or small. Images I can look at and immediately be back in the exact incredible moment I was in when I took it.

It's no secret P was a huge inspiration in everything I wanted to do. I discovered my love of design from starting the website, and I learned my love for photography from all the shooting I did at shows. I am convinced my absolute best work happens when I'm taking pictures of her- maybe it has something to do with having spent so much of my life at her concerts.  I love this picture, especially since I'm so obsessed with black & white. 

This one time, for my 30th birthday, the bestie & I went to see Merle Haggard & Loretta Lynn in the same weekend. Most amazing weekend ever. And the moment I look at this picture, I'm taken back to moments like us singing along to "Mama Tried"....you know, with Merle-freaking-Haggard standing in front of us. (PS: I really really really love Merle Haggard) 

I love my babies more than life itself. And how grossed out Kadin is that I asked his sisters to kiss his cheek (yet he can't stop laughing about it!) makes me smile every time I look at this. 

I love baby toes. There's nothing happier than baby toes. Especially when they belong to one of my new baby cousins that is one of the happiest, sweetest babies I've ever seen in my life. 

My 4th of July was full of Bourbon, in my beloved Lexington, with my bestie. What better way to celebrate Independence Day than doing the Kentucky Bourbon Trail? This helps sum up my entire year--- usually on the road with my bestie & Chris.

My nephew, ever the inquisitive one since Granny passed away, asked me out of the blue in the car one day what I thought angels might sound like, and without a single thought, "Emmylou Harris" is what came out of my mouth. I'm pretty sure I'm right.

The bestie & I saw Don Williams(!!!) this year - an artist that was on my "Concert Bucket List"! I completely fan-girled when I heard "Lord I Hope This Day is Good" live. Hello, one of the greatest songs ever written.

This is just one of my favorites.  As I mentioned, Liz Lamoreux's blog of Capturing Where I Stand inspired me to start shooting where I stood. Standing toe to toe with Johnny Cash's boots might be one of the highlights of my year. And capturing where I stand will be prominent in my 2014.

Mango Margaritas on the beach. Because is there a better way to spend Memorial Day weekend than in Pensacola with your best friend, drinking while having an epic Loretta Lynn sing-a-long on the beach? 

And a client shot that was one of my faves from the year --- from the aforementioned client who helped put some things in perspective!

I'm glad 2013 is almost over...my camera is going to stay busy! So many trips & concerts in the works...(unless P decides to do a few shows. Then it's "cancel all things!!!" and go see P!) I think I might be away even more next year than I was this year! (How is that possible!?) Here's to 2014! 
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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lazy Sunday....

Happy Sunday!! It's so gross and cold out, I do believe today will be a day in watching movies until my show comes on - I swear I spend my weeks anxiously waiting for Once Upon a Time & Scandal -- how bored are my nights going to be in January & February?! ;) I would say I'm not leaving the house today, but.....everyone knows there's no way I could stand a day without Starbucks!

I don't know where the hell this year has gone -- how in the hell is it almost Christmas already??! However, I do know that in 11 days, I am reunited with my twin cousin! And not only reunited, hitting our Family Reunion together! We haven't done that in YEARS.

(And I sit here & watch "Beaches" without her, I miss her even more!) I am so so excited for the 19th to get here! We finished putting together the tattoo we're getting, and I may or may not have started packing....so if we could speed things up, that would be great! I know Ohio is anxious to witness us obnoxiously sing Dixie Chicks in the car together. This is the third time I've seen her this year, which is a fabulous streak for us! I do think the greatest part of our relationship is every time we're together, it's like no time has passed since we last saw each other. 

Sunday Social

I haven't done Sunday Social in a while, so.....here goes!

1. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?
A pic of me standing at the Johnny Cash museum.  Awhile back I read Liz Lamoreux blog entry: Why Do I Take Pictures of Where I Stand? After reading the blog, I bought her book.....and it was a great inspiration for when I'm behind the camera (or my iPhone!) to start shooting for me again. I started shooting more portraits of where I was at moments. The vintage country music nerd in me completely geeked out at his boots, and this picture was one of my faves I've ever taken. 

2. What do you keep beside your bed?
Glasses, usually the book I'm currently reading & my iPad

3. What is your least favorite chore? 
Cleaning the shower. I guess if I wore a mask and didn't inhale the chemicals, I wouldn't hate it as much.
4. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
It takes me forever to get ready. Can I just have a magic wand that will fix my hair & makeup for me so I can eliminate all that time I spend on it & sleep longer?
5. What do you do to vent anger?
I was going to say I usually text my sis, bestie or cousin, but also-- I cry. Total frustration crying.

6. What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?
Christmas, because the kids are so much fun. It's also the holiday I have never ever been away from my sister. 

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