Friday, September 28, 2012


I should be packing to shove out to Florida, but instead I'm looking up more decorations for the fall.

Apparently I need a ridiculous step by step tutorial on making wreaths, because frankly, I thought I was quite crafty- and I have totally bombed at the wreath making. But the ones on Etsy that I love so much are more than Im really willing to spend on a wreath, especially considering I haven't seen it in person. (And yes, I know they are time consuming, hence the higher prices, but again, I want to see this in person before I pay that for a freaking wreath!)

First up is this one. It's not terribly priced, $45

This one is $85, so I'm not paying that for a wreath I cant see. Surely I can figure out how to freaking make these!

$75... I super love this one!

So, crafty folks, email me if you have any wreath tips -- I suppose I need to get on this after we get back from FL! I keep thinking I'd love to have more than one -- so I could swap them out football and basketball season, the same one might get boring.  

And because I have the most RIDICULOUS addiction to my Wildcat stuff, and I literally dont seem to go a day without searching Etsy and Ebay for my Cats.....I found this today and fell in looooove:

I mean, seriously, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen. The Starbucks junkie in me is this close to just buying it already.

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