Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not So Thinspiration Thursday

You know what I haven't done all week? Work out. You know what I probably won't be able to do all next week? Work out.

I see the doctor tomorrow about my knee, and then another specialist Monday about my toe. This girl is going to be flip flopping it next week after they cut off part of my nail.  Yes, in the 'gross' category, I have an ingrown toenail caused by jamming my toe into the end of the bed (sigh), had no idea therefore did not catch it quickly --annnd of course it got really bad, and you do not even want to know what my toe looks like. Which means I can't take care of it myself (which ACTUALLY means "Nicole doesn't know what she's doing, and was going to make her mom do it) and it needs to be done by the podiatrist, and then I'm good to go :) (I put a smiley there, but I won't lie, I'm totally tripping out over the needles to numb my toe Monday. I've got a tattoo there -- I know what hell needles in the toe are!)

Which all translates to Nicole has to take a short break from work out. So it's not much of a Thinspiration Thursday, huh?!

Now fingers crossed this knee doesn't need surgery.....I've used a brace on it ever since it start popping again. What was the original cause of injury to it last year, you ask?  Why, I was hanging a canvas on the wall and instead of getting out a hand step stool, I thought "Why use that when I can use my chair!?" You know....the one with WHEELS, and swivels? I mean, I'm only insanely accident prone, what could possibly go wrong!?  Yeah.....

On a much happier note, it's Thursday which means it's almost Friday! Who doesn't live for Friday!? The sis, bro in law and I are heading out tomorrow night to Will Stans, and Saturday I'll be off to Dolphie's with the bestie. I'm sure glad I work from home Mondays - that extra two hours of sleep is much needed after a full weekend!

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