Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Shenanigans...

I’m not sure how Monday rolled around again so quickly, but I am not a fan.  However, my Scandal finale is this week, so alas…I will suck it up and hope the week flies by.  (Priorities people, priorities.)

I’d say it was a really busy weekend, but it also was a great weekend with some down time. Highly unusual for me to get a mix of both! The niece decided she wanted to spend the night on Friday, (which really translated into “I want to show Aunt Nicole I can drive to her house by myself now! Also, I want to drive her everywhere!”) so we went out to dinner and did a little shopping and then retreated back to the house for a night of nail painting, movies & gossiping. It was a great night with her, and it was fabulous to have her show up in the driveway and not have to go get her!  The licensed teenager might make me a nervous wreck, but this is going to come in handy, that’s for sure. (And now she has a job interview Tuesday, so not only a licensed driver, but maybe soon an employed one! My girl is growing up!)

Much of the rest of the weekend was filled with sessions – but I managed to fit some time in at the Stables! Oh how I love the Stables at Cedars of Lebanon – I just wish they were closer! I suppose this is a sign  I should look into Stables that are actually in Nashville to let me go riding a little more often.  It was sure a gorgeous day to go riding though. I did NOT want to leave. This time I rode Zeuss, who is just breathtaking!

Could I ask for a more beautiful view? On such a beautiful day. THIS view is why I didn't want to leave. Love!

The best part about riding at the park is the random areas you can actually ride...which lead to you inevitably coming across these signs:

Can't think of a better way to have spent Sunday! 
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