Wednesday, April 30, 2014

On Wednesday's we wear pink

10 years ago today, the cult-classic 'Mean Girls' was released. I have zero shame in the fact that I rocked some pink today in it's honor. The "that's so fetch" line was in heavy usage at the office today -- the inner high school bitch in all of us had a blast. This movie is such a silly guilty pleasure! 

E! listed the 20 Best Mean Girls quotes last year on the infamous October day....LOVE this article

In other news & total random ramblings, I started putting serious consideration into going back to school -yes again- to get my Masters Degree. I've been slightly toying with the idea in my head for a few months, and really haven't made 100% decisions yet, kinda. I sent off an application today....I guess we wait and see! And then I suppose it will all come down to do I really want the stress of school again & do I want the lovely student loans bill to go up. I would never be thinking this if so many classes weren't available online. How do people manage life, business, work & actually having to go to school after HS!? 

Also, tomorrow is May! Which not only means one of my favorite months is finally here  --- because I have SO many epic plans & trips in May this year -- but because it's time for one of my very favorite internet meme's ever!

Happy mid-week, y'all! 

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