Friday, April 18, 2014

Finally Friday!

Happy Friday!

It looks like it might rain this morning, but hopefully that holds off! After breakfast this morning, we're all heading back out to the stables to do a little riding. Because what better way to spend a Friday, right? The office is actually open today, but I took the day off -- apparently sharing the same thought with a lot of people, I'm told!

Before heading out to the stables though.... a little 5 on Friday! I haven't done this link up in a little while....

one. Easter weekend has arrived! Which obviously means I'll be spending tomorrow night at my sisters with the kids & my mom. (My sister and I have actually planned on ditching everyone Saturday night for sister time and going out for dinner & margaritas, but shhhh.) Can't wait to wake up with the kiddos Easter morning! This year I'm torn between making baskets or putting money in eggs and making them hard to find -- oh the perks of the kids being older!

two. Holy hell did Scandal kick my ass last night.  We laughed, we cried, we gasped....this was a hell of an episode. And Fitz broke my heart having a nervous breakdown in the Oval Office & asking where Olivia was at the end. Sigh. Shonda Rhimes truly knows how to cause a tv-induced heart attack. Also, what the hell am I supposed to do on Thursdays now until the fall? Sigh. 

three. Record Store Day is Saturday! Goodness knows I love keeping our record stores busy in Nashville, and there is nothing I love more than going to the record store and walking out with actual records. I will certainly be in the line tomorrow morning before my first session! 

four. Since I'm on the subject of vinyl, I cannot explain my excitement for finding this record. The cover wasn't in the shape I wish it was, but the record is in such incredible condition, I freaked out in the record store. (And then my heart dropped a little bit when the kid next to me told me he had no idea who Jessi Colter was. Can I require people coming into Nashville to take a test?) 

five. I've become totally obsessed with researching Vancouver for our trip later in the year. my head is about to explode from finding all these incredible gems to visit, and all these places I want to photograph. I have no idea how I'm fitting everything in in the time frame we're going to be there!

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