Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Social Time...

This has been a super busy weekend, so let's be honest: my plans today involved NOT getting out of bed until almost noon & staying in my pj's all day. I may or may not be watching movies all day too -- I mean, they ARE airing a Dolly Parton marathon because it's her birthday. What else should I be doing besides watching Steel Magnolias & Straight Talk, right!??

Don't judge me.

It's Social Sunday time -- this week it's all about 3's!

1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food 

Italian, Breakfast (I could eat breakfast for every meal every day!)  & Southern - I live in Tennessee, Southern Cooking is totally a "kind". 
2. First 3 things you do in the morning 
Put contacts in, check email/FB/all my other networks, and usually put on music - I can't get ready without music playing.
3. Last 3 things you do at night 
Check email/FB/etc, verify three times my alarm is set (apparently I'm paranoid?!), and watch one of my shows on Netflix
4. 3 TV shows you NEVER miss 
Shows on now: Once Upon a Time, Scandal & Dallas - seriously, I'm ridiculously obsessed with these shows. They are all three on a winter hiatus right now and it's driving me crazy!
5. 3 places you want to visit 
If I'm going with places I've never actually been before...
Grand Canal - Venice, Italy - I mean, LOOK how gorgeous this is. I want to be there. 

Vancouver, BC....we're going this fall, I can't wait!


6. 3 people you can always count on 
My bestie, twin cousin & my sister!

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