Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Short Stuff is 12!

In important news of the day: 

This headline made my day. I really wasn't going to watch the Grammy's this year, but I guess that's changed! 

So yesterday, I had a sweet post typed up for Short Stuff's 12th Birthday, and of course instead of hitting "save" while drafting it, I hit discard. I was so annoyed I didn't attempt to type it up again. So with that - yesterday was Short Stuff's 12th Birthday! I don’t know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was standing in the delivery room, crying with my sister! 12 years later, it’s the running joke in our family that he really belongs to me. Every little quirk he has, my sister is quick to use the ‘You get THAT from your Aunt Nicole!’, yes, yes Kadin you do. It’s okay, I turned out pretty awesome. And while he may be a picky eater like his Aunt Nicole, but he also has my smarts & brings home report cards just like I used to bring home, and definitely got my creative gene. My little love bug is going to go places! 

And of course, with the birthday comes party time! We celebrated his birthday over the weekend with some family & friends and some of his friends from school. His friends were so adorable – and so polite!  "May I", "Would it be okay if", "Thank you" were used so often, it restored my faith a little bit in kids today! 

His obsession with wrestling was his theme -- and boy was it the theme of his presents! The number of figurines he got was crazy -- which shocked me because he has SO MANY right now, you wouldn't think it's even possible to have anymore! He had such a good time with everyone, so it was a successful party. He didn't want to be sung to in front of his friends - but was still a good sport and let me put the candles in the cupcakes for at least a photo op!

I got him a card that wouldn't open, the inside of the card was actually on the back of a card and it completely blew his mind, his reaction was hilarious. He was so thrown off! 

We didn't tell him his big sister Amy was coming to the party, so she was a soon as she walked in and said "Hey Buddy!", he rushed over to hug her. So freaking cute. 

I somehow forgot to take a pic on my actual camera of this, damn it. This birthday poster was huge and hung up in pieces - we thought it would make a cool photo backdrop (sigh, and then the photographer forgot to actually take photos at it. My bad. At least I took pics on my phone!) -- he was so excited about it. 

Happy Mid-week, y'all! Here's hoping the rest of the week flies by.....because another Holiday weekend sounds good to me! 

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