Friday, January 24, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Today on my way to my sisters house, John Anderson's "Seminole Wind" came on, and made me incredibly homesick. I've been in Nashville for 18 & love it - and probably couldn't ever see me leaving, but I'll always love my FL! 'Seminole Wind' has the line "blow blow from the Okeechobee" that always hits me because I grew up about 60 miles from Lake Okeechobee.

I grew up in a little town called Sebastian, just outside of Vero Beach -- which is where my sister lived, so I spent so much time in both, they each hold a special place in my heart.

 I looove this. It has everything I love about back home. My mom worked at a Grove, so I'm an orange & orange juice snob: Nothing but Indian River Oranges for this girl! 

As a kid on the Atlantic Coast, I spent a lot of my time outside. Riding bikes, going to the beach, reading out by the pool, going down to the rivers to look for Gators - we were constantly outside. I'd say kids today never go outside because of all the technology, but I had mine too -- hello, weren't discmans the greatest things ever?! I could pop in a PL cd & get lost in riding my bike forever! (Maybe getting lost in riding my bike wasn't the greatest idea -- I used to ride my bike barefoot & am still scarred from the memory of running over a snake without knowing it, only to feel it pop up and rub into my foot! I've never pedaled so fast in my life!) 


All this leads to: I've spent much of my Friday night looking up flights for my visits home this year. This once a year, sometimes skipping a year, is going to come to a stop soon. While I certainly don't miss stuff like the hurricanes - I miss the stuff I can't do in Tennessee. I know the beach is the first on everyone's  minds, but I miss those days at the river with my sister trying to spot the Gators -- and once we spotted one, guessing how long we thought it was!

And now that I've played the reminisce game, it's time to book some flights! 

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